121 3 6

-7th February 2021

The two weeks of getting to know the cast-members went by rather quickly. After having seen Dylan in his room, Thomas did not get to talk or interact much with him. He still remembered the face that Dylan made at their last discussion, where Thomas just couldn't find the right words to say to him. Thomas had the feeling that it was too late to apologize by now but that's all he managed to do, to which the American scoffed and left the room.

During the 2 weeks, Thomas managed to get to know the others quite well. They all seemed to be lovely people and excited to get to work with the main cast. Today, filming would start, which meant that Thomas would have to see Dylan. In fact, the first scene was with both of them. The boys would film an intimate talk between both, once they were by themselves after Newt having found his way back to Thomas.

For this, Thomas was in make-up. Diana, their make-up artist, had just finished setting him up. It was nothing special just some dirt here and there. Thomas' stomach was twisting, he was not sure how this would go. He knew that it wouldn't be easy but he also knew that Dylan and himself were extremely professional and he just could not imagine Dylan messing this up. He picked up his water bottle and the script, which he looked over one last time while sitting and letting Diana do her job, and left the room. The place was not too busy. Regarding actors that is, everyone else was managing cables and props, putting last details into places and working on lightning. The only actors that were there was Dylan, Jenna and Thomas. Kaya should come in later today, to film some scenes with Dylan as well. Maybe even some with Thomas, depending on the time.

Thomas entered the filming location, finding a small cottage in the centre. It was supposed to represent a sleeping area. He spotted Nicolas talking to some camera people and walked up to him, hoping to get some extra instructions from him. "Thomas! There you are. The star of the day." he smiled widely, "please. Take a seat on the chair, Dylan should be here any Second and then we can start."

Thomas did so without saying a word. Nicolas seemed to be very busy anyways, and Thomas had other things to think about. Like if he should say anything to Dylan before they start filming. Or if Dylan was taking on purpose, so he could avoid having to talk to Thomas. His stomach ached again. He felt like he hadn't eaten in hours, even though he did.

Thomas shook his head and looked at the ground in front of him. Dylan would for sure be professional, so Thomas could too. He clenched his jaw. At least he would have these moments to look at the brunette. He was not sure if that was good or bad. But he would figure it out by tonight.

"Please take a seat Dylan. We will start in a minute. There are some issues regarding lightning" Thomas heard Nicolas say. He looked up. There he was. Dylan looked amazing. He held his posture up-right, showing no regret or inner torment in him. He walked confidently towards Thomas and sat down facing him. Dylan smiled around him, Thomas gulped. He looked at Dylan's side profile, while the American was looking around and appreciating the set-up.

"Looks nice," he then said and looked at Thomas, "Don't you think?" Thomas nodded. Dylan didn't say anything else. There they were, once close friends sitting in silence.

"Okay. We can start. Are you ready?" Nicolas shouted, looking at the boys. Dylan nodded and looked at Thomas, waiting for him. Remembering the script, Thomas stood up, leaving the small hut behind and waiting for the cue. "Action."

The cameras were rolling and Thomas was determined to be professional. He counted to 3 and then re-entered the hut again with a big smile on his face, "A big fuss out there isn't it? It does get into your head though."

Dylan chuckled, looking at a wooden figure he was holding in his hand. Chuck's. "You got to be careful. I mean it has been quite some time, they missed you." Thomas sat next to Dylan. And looked at his hands, where he was still holding the figure. "Chuck's?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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