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2 years ago

Dylan smiled brightly at the body he saw next to him once he opened his eyes. Thomas had stayed over the night after Dylan finally managed to confess to him about his feelings. If Dylan were to be honest, he had never expected for Thomas to just hug him like that and stay over.

The night before was amazing. The boys stayed up late talking and there was even a moment Dylan thought there was a spark between them. Thomas had cooked for both of them while Dylan watched and they just rambled on about life. In Dylan's surprise Thomas didn't say anything since they parted from that hug about Dylan's honesty. The American couldn't help but feel anxious about that once silence kicked in.

He started fidgeting with his hands, feeling the sweat slowly coming together on their palms and the nerves exploding. He wanted to know if it was a bad or a good thing that Thomas didn't mention the thing ever since. It probably was bad because if Thomas would like Dylan he would have said something right? Especially since he now knew that Dylan liked him. There was no point on holding back fo the Brit. Yet he still did. So in Dylan's world it could only mean that Thomas didn't like the brunette yet didn't want to break his friend's heart. Dylan could totally understand that. Especially coming from Thomas. Yet he still wished Thomas would just be honest and tell him the truth.

Thomas turned around, the pan in his hand ready to put some scrambled eggs on a plate, when he saw Dylan's face starring at the white island. Thomas decided to finish his action, take the plate in his hand and walk over to the other side of the counter. "You know looking at something for too long ain't good for your eyes. Especially your brain," Thomas said, putting the plate down in front of Dylan and breaking his sight. The Brunette shot up, smiling lightly once he realized it was Thomas. "What's wrong?" the blonde asked, bumping his friends shoulder slightly.

Dylan sighed before he took his fork to hand and started demolishing the egg pieces. "It's nothing," the American said. Thomas breathed in, pressing his lips together before answering, "I've known you for some years Dylan. I know how you work. And this is not nothing."

"I've just been thinking..." Dylan's voice faded with each word more, yet it was clearly enough for Thomas to understand. The blonde stood up, walking towards the kitchen counter, to make yet another portion of eggs and make sure his pasta wouldn't run out of water. "About?" Dylan followed his every move. He just liked that man way too much. Thomas was always so calm and unbothered. He sometimes wished to be like that. He needed that. He needed him.

"Don't you like me?" he finally asked. Suddenly his heart began to race. He never thought he'd be that nervous about a simple answer. He wanted to know but small part of him wanted him to turn deaf and miss the answer. When he saw Thomas lips lift up in a small smile his heartbeat calmed down. That had to be a good sign. Yet he still was stressed. The blonde turned around, the pot of pasta in his hands. "Of course I do."

Dylan's mouth ran dry. He didn't know what to say not how to act. He just kept looking at his friend. "I always did you know? I mean you are one of my closest friends Dylan never doubt that. You're more important to me than you might think and I promise you that nobody could ever replace you." He started serving some of the Rigatoni into Dylan's plate and then took a second one of the shelf, serving himself. "Not gonna lie tough. You often messed up with my head and I never knew what the bloody hell that meant of how I was supposed to act from it. At first I thought it was normal once you are that at ease and close to a friend. But afterwards I noticed that it couldn't be it. I didn't feel that way to any of my other friends no matter how close we were. And then I noticed that I wasn't the problem. You were. Just the way you are, the way you act. It makes me flutter. I really like your persona. I thank you so much for always being here for me. For caring and makes me laugh. Make me let go of that density inside of me and just be free." he approached his friend, letting their fronts rest on each other. "I could never give that back to you. I could never thanks you enough. You could probably never understand how much meaning these words have. You changed me Dylan. I owe you."

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