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The dynamic on that set amazed Thomas. He had for sure seen a lot of sets and he knew that on the Maze Runner set it was way more stressful than on this one but the fact that everyone looked so happy and glad to be there while working was a whole new thing for the Brit. Everyone was smiling, only standing still for the maximum of 5 seconds. You saw people talk to others everywhere, sharing laughs and smiles and even the ones who were working alone looked genuinely happy to be there.

Nicolas had taken Thomas for a little tour around, showing him the most important places and the one he'd use the most regularly to shot. One of them was a fake Maze set up.

So the boys would go back to the maze?

"Nicolas everyone of the cast has signed in except Ki Hong his plane had a delay and he'll only be able to be here from tomorrow on." A woman came to talk to Nicolas.

"What about the others? Cameron? Jenna? What about Corey?" The Director asked before taking the pen a woman was hanging him.

"They're all here and even ready to start shooting. I explained them that we'll only start shooting in a week though." the woman said her eyes fixed on Nicolas who was reading the papers that were handed to him.

The director agreed, signing the paper he was holding and handing everything to the woman: "Thank you Anastasia. I think I'll get Thomas to meet his new cast mates then."

With that Nicolas placed his hand again on Thomas back and started guiding him trough the place. Thomas was used to the hand on his back by now. Apparently Nicolas will do that a lot so the blonde was pretty happy he got used to it quickly. But Thomas really enjoyed Nicolas. Even though he only knew the young director for about half an hour now, he kind of was very social which made people like him immediately.

"So I guess these are new cast mates?" Thomas whispered after a while, trying to break the silence.

"Indeed. They'll play very important people though. Cameron Boyce, you may know him from Disney Channel or Grown ups maybe, will play Lucas. Lucas will become a very important friend to Thomas. Lucas managed to survive all alone trough the flare isolated in an old house not far away from Safe Heaven and Thomas will find him there on a long morning walk to clear his head. After that they'll become very close friends and Thomas will find shelter in him kinda the way he did in Newt." Nicolas informed.

"So... you're replacing me... with a Disney kid?" Thomas asked confused.

Nicolas laughed at that, shaking his head slowly: "You shouldn't underestimate Cameron he's a brilliant actor, very talented. And no we won't replace Newt with Lucas. He will just be there to comfort Thomas while he's struggling with your death just the way you would comfort him if it was about Thomas mourning about someone else. He'll afterwards also help Thomas put his mind at ease, helping him finding his way back to you."

"So... is he going to die and meet me in heaven?" Thomas asked slightly joking.

"You can say that." Nicolas shrugged.

Thomas mouth fell open. He wasn't expecting that. So it's all going to be a heaven story? That's just absurd. Why had he agreed to this anyways.

"It's a joke he won't die." Nicolas laughed at Thomas expression, pulling him further trough the room, "Neither will you, for once."

"Yeah I kinda die a lot don't I." - "Means you're good at it. Very talented."

Thomas smiled lightly, enjoying to hear the words Nicolas just said. He was glad someone professional enjoyed his acting and and actually confessed it to him right in his face.

"What about Jenna?" Thomas asked after a while, wanting to know more about the plot.

"Jenna Coleman. She's very British you'll love her. She will play a character called Sofia. She'll also be more on your side tho. She will find you in the middle of the city the day after your death, seeing that you're still breathing. She knows that she can still save you so she takes care of you, takes you with her in her little truck, going with you to her home a few miles away from the last city. There she takes care of you makes sure you become better. Together with her younger brother Liam, played by Corey Fogelmanis, she'll help you go back to safe heaven especially because she can't live by herself neither so she hopes to find the shelter she needs in that peaceful place you told her about."

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