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"Truth or dare?" Thomas heard coming out of Jenna's room.

He stood still, not doing the knock he actually meant to make to listen to her voice. She sounded excited, even too much for such a small game.

"Truth." it was Corey.

"Out of all the boys here on set would you most probably date if you'd be gay?" the girl asked without even taking a second to think about the question. It was like she was born ready to ask this one specific question.

"Well. Considering our ages I'd probably take Cameron. I truly think he's very good looking even tho I'd have no problem kissing Dylan's lips." Corey said comfortably.

Thomas didn't know why but he couldn't help but smile. Corey had definitely good taste. Thomas entered the room, a small smirk on his face: "I thought you were supposed to be the responsible one Jenna."

The girl shot up, her face brighter than the sun ever was. She stood up from the couch she was sitting and moved to Thomas, grabbing him by his bicep and pushing him completely into the room. Thomas smiled at the girl's excitement and couldn't quite figure out why she was so squeaky. He saw that the both of them weren't actually alone because Cameron was also in the room but already half sleeping on the couch, a chocolate chip cookie in his left hand, the half empty package on his stomach and his mouth wide open.

Jenna shut the door behind her and turned around to Thomas again, "Truth or dare, you stick."

"Hey!" both Thomas and Corey spoke up in protest.

"It's my turn!" Corey's eyes looked at Jenna in a half annoyed and half hurt way. His mouth open by how his friend could just steal the spotlight from him.

"Yeah! It's his turn! And I'm not a stick!" Thomas protested his face with the same expression as Corey's basically.

"Ew. Kinda scaring of how much alike you two are but... whatever. Lady's first Corey be a gentleman," Jenna said, making Corey lifting his hands in desperation. The girl grinned taking the lead again, "Truth or dare."

"Um.. truth?" Thomas said very insecure.

He always hated that kind of games. Thomas was very reserved and the fact that with a simple question as that people could unfold him so quickly scared him. He needed his walls, his security.

"What do you think are people that aren't in this room like in bed." Jenna smirked, bitting her bottom lip slightly.

"You're very gross for sure a small girl Jenna. I thought you were a nice girl." Corey said from the other side of the room.

"Shush Corey. I'm not being gross. Just interested that's totally normal." Jenna said, a small laugh leaving her mouth, "You just have to grow up a bit and you'll understand."

She looked at Thomas again, her eyes sparkling at him and her smile enormous. It made Thomas give out a soft smile, his heart heating by the sweet girl in front of him.

"The people outside?" Thomas asked after a while, still standing on the place Jenna pushed him to. He somehow didn't dare moving.

"Yeah... Kaya... Nicolas... Dylan."

Thomas' smile faded at Dylan's mention and he felt his heart break again. His head brought up pictures Thomas didn't want to see, his skin felt stuff Thomas wanted to forget what it felt like. He gulped.

"Um... personally.... I think... I think Kaya is that type who let's people take the lead first but then becomes wild... I... I don't know I never thought about her in bed..." Thomas said, taking way too many breaks between the words he spoke. His voice was shaky, uneven and definitely failing him.

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