6. #birthdayboy

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Neža's POV

Saturdays at Jure's were one of my favourite things in the world. We don't often hang out together. Maybe once every two months? Since I came back from Berlin a little more. We grew up in the Slovenian countryside, so it was nice to still get that family feel after moving to the big city. And Jure was a great chef, ever since living on a student diet I had started to appreciate how well my family knew how to cook more and more.

Jure's place was located just out of city. There was a gorgeous view of the mountains. It could be so serene ...if it wasn't for Jure's place being a total mess. Not that I expected it to look any different from a man living alone in his mid twenties.

The two of us were sitting on his balcony, enjoying the first few sunrays of spring and the dinner Jure had prepared, which consisted of meat, with more meat. "Did you end up talking with Bojan's band?" Jure had been awfully quiet about it, and I assumed it was because he had talked to them, and he actually was interested in whatever they were asking of him.

"I did." Jure said and continued eating without elaborating. I shot him a quick glare which caused him to roll his eyes, and me to smile in triumph. "They're working on an album with this big producer and they're looking for help with the drums. I'm gonna go there next weekend." I could hear in his voice that he was trying to sound all laidback about it, but his smile, the way his eyes crinkled, I just knew he was excited.

"I'm not blaming you for doing so." I said softly. I meant when I said that I didn't want the feud between me and Bojan to be in the way of Jure doing what he loved most, making music.

"He's not been harassing you again, has he?" Jure asked with a single raised eyebrow.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No, I haven't seen him since he got us kicked out of the club." Thankfully it was also the last time I saw him. Too many time has passed since he had completely ghosted me, and as his first attempt at an apology was motivated by getting me to do something for him, I suspected any future attempt would as well.

Jure laughed on top of his lungs. "You what? I don't remember you being fun enough to get thrown out of clubs."

I looked at him with raised eyebrows and playfully pushed him away. "He had to bother me again, we had words, then he bumped into someone. They dragged us out of there. It really wasn't anything major. He already ruined the night anyway. And I'm fun! How dare you suggest I'm not?"

"You think the best part of being a student is studying Neža." Jure teased in return.

"Just because I don't get blackout drunk each weekend doesn't mean that I'm not fun." I huffed

"I know, I'm just teasing you. You get wound up so easily I can't let the opportunity pass me by." I glared at Jure and

"You're the worst." I laughed and playfully tossed one of the rare pieces of vegetables on my plate in his direction.

"You love me." Jure stuck his tongue out. "If you're so fun why don't we go out tonight so you can prove it?"

"I don't need to prove anything to you." I laughed. "The last time we were in a club together you ditched me for the first girl you laid your eyes on"

"Alright." Jure laughed. "But you better bring that same spirit at my birthday party."

"Are you kidding? I'm getting drunk off my face and I'll be crashing on your couch." I laughed. Whenever Jure threw a party it was bound to get wild. And now that I didn't have to worry about university, I could really let myself go.

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Jure's twenty-fifth birthday started off with a large family dinner with our parents and grandparents. It was one of those family traditions that I hoped we could continue for many years to come. With all of us spread out across the country, the times we were actually together were limited to birthdays and Christmas.

The conversations were everything you could expect them to be for someone's twenty fifth. "Isn't it time to get a real job?" "Don't you have a girlfriend yet?" "We were married and had two kids by the time we were your age." "If you had a real job you could've bought a house and you didn't have to rent." Each year it were the same questions, and no matter who's birthday it was, they always got asked. Maybe this year a little more than other years. Our grandmothers had no issues reminding him that now that he was twenty five he was closer to thirty than to twenty he should act more like it.

Jure and I exchanged the same glances we did every year. This time he was the victim, but by the time my birthday came around I'd have it just as bad. I sort of felt for him though, I knew he wasn't particularly looking forward to getting closer to thirty.

Other than the same old comments we always got and tried to ignore as much as possible, we had a great time catching up with everyone. It's been a long while since we all got together, and hearing everyone's stories about what they had been up to in the last year was actually really amazing.

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A few days later Jure threw a house party to celebrate his twenty fifth with all his friends. I ended up at his place at eight as one of the first people there, to drop off my bags and to help Jure get ready for the party. Not that there was much I could help out with, Jure had arranged the music, more liquor than I'd ever seen in one place and plenty of snacks. I only ended up having to replace the glassware he put out for plastic cups. A bunch of twenty something year olds with too much alcohol and glassware were a recipe for disaster.

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A few hours later and Jure's apartment was crowded with a bunch of his friends. I had situated myself behind Jure's dining table turned beer pong table. I had paired up with one of Jure's friends that I hadn't met before today, but the both of us were looking for a partner to play the game, and what a partnership it was. We won game after game after game. The longer we played, the more we obviously drank, the more we struggled to keep our winning streak going, but so far, we remained the undefeated champions.

After winning yet another round me and my new friend cheered and looked around the crowd that gathered around us. "Who dares to go next?!"

Out of nowhere, Bojan Cvje-fucking-tićanin emerged from the crowd. "My turn." He said with a sick smirk on his face.

Oh. Bloody. Hell.

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