8. #savedbytheshards

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Neža's POV


The moment I heard the glass shattered I was snapped out of whatever trance I was trapped in, out of the tension between us that stopped me from making any effort to walk away from this situation. Now fully back to my senses I looked at where someone had knocked over a picture frame right next to us and quickly pushed Bojan away and dropped to my knees to pick up all the glass shards that were now scattered around the floor. I couldn't really be mad at whoever knocked over the frame. I needed that snap back to reality. It was just a moment of weakness, which must've been caused by the amount of alcohol I drank finally catching up with me. "Neža, be careful." I heard Bojan's voice from behind me as his hand touched my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the pace with which I was gathering all the shards. "Fuck off Boj-AAH!" I dropped the shards I had collected and looked at my palm which now had a rather big cut on it.

"You're done here." Bojan said as he grabbed my arm to help me back up. I shot him a quick death stare to let him know his help wasn't welcomed but walked to the kitchen to clean up the wound nonetheless.

Bojan started rummaging through Jure's kitchen cabinets and eventually pulled out his first aid box. "If you want to be of any help you can go clean up the glass." I was perfectly capable of taking care of a little cut myself. That, and after what happened earlier I really didn't want to be in close proximity to him again.

Bojan just rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. "Someone else is already doing so." Bojan muttered as I pulled my hand back. "Look, I know you can't stand me and that you're way too stubborn to accept help sometimes. But you're hurt, so for once, just accept my help. I won't say a word and I'll be gone as soon as we're done here."

I huffed and let him wipe away some blood from my hand. "Could there be any glass in the wound?"

"Didn't you just promise to not say a word to me?" I asked, my tone full of sarcasm. "I was picking up large pieces. None of them broke so I don't think so." I muttered after Bojan looked me with a look that looked like he was ready to strangle me.

Bojan nodded and applied pressure to the wound. The both of us sat there in silence, with Bojan fixated on my hand, and myself on anything but him. I couldn't afford to let myself be distracted by him again.

"Seems like the bleeding has stopped. We need to clean the wound before bandaging it though." He murmured softly as he removed the towel he used to apply pressure with and walked over to the sink, testing the temperature of the water before slowly guiding my hand underneath the water. "It may hurt a little." He said as the water hit the cut. I winced slightly, after which Bojan quickly fixed the sink to lower the pressure.

"You didn't have to." I muttered quietly. "It wasn't that bad."

"Are you crazy? It shouldn't hurt more than necessary." Bojan said with a tiny smile on his face. It may have been ever so little, but it was the first time either of us smiled since entering the kitchen. After stopping the rap Bojan grabbed a clean towel to carefully tap the area of the wound dry before he started to wrap a bandage around my hand.

"I'd start to think people have been lying to me about you switching to sociology. I'd almost think you switched to nursing school but that faculty is on the other side of the city." It was a lame attempt at a joke, but it was the best I could do in this situation. I appreciated his efforts, and to be completely honest, he probably did a better job at bandaging it than I could single-handedly.

Somehow, Bojan laughed at my poor attempt of a joke. "Both my parents are doctors." He said before getting up to put away the first aid kit. "Let's just say I've had my fair share of lectures about cuts and bruises in my teens."

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