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I hopped into the car with Scott and Stiles to find Jackson, and Allison took Lydia home. We raced to a parking garage, but we stopped when Stiles saw spikes on the ground, preventing him from getting through.

"What do we do now?" Stiles asked, but Scott was out of the car before he could finish his sentence. I climbed into the front seat, and we parked the car on the street corner. I pointed Stiles in Scott's direction, and we followed him to a club.

I ran up next to Scott with Stiles trailing behind me, and Scott jumped when he saw me, "Sorry, I really don't mean to do that." I apologized, and Stiles questioned, "Do you know where he went?" "I lost him." Scott stated.

Stiles stared at him, baffled, "You couldn't catch his scent?" I then replied, "I don't even think he has one." "Alright, any clue where he's going?" Stiles asked, and Scott answered, "To kill someone." "Ah, that explains the claws and the fangs and all that. It all makes perfect sense now." Stiles said sarcastically, making Scott and I glare at him.

"C'mon guys, I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones, okay. Sarcasm is my only defense." Stiles spoke, and Scott pleaded, "Just help me find it." I then corrected him, "Not 'it', Jackson." "I know, I know." Scott said as he watched the entrance of the club.

"Does he know that? Did anyone else see him back at your house?" Stiles asked Scott, and Scott answered, "I don't know, but he passed Derek's test anyway." "That's the thing, how did he pass the test?" Stiles questioned and I responded, "Maybe it's like an either or thing. Derek said a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When's the kanima not the kanima?"

"When it's Jackson." Scott got on my mind track. Stiles then tensed next to me and started to back up. "Uh, guys." He pointed to something, and we looked to see a tail hanging out of the building, the kanima.

"He's inside, what's he gonna do in there?" Stiles questioned, and Scott realized, "I know who he's after." "What? How? Did you smell something?"I asked, he nodded and said, "Armani." We all looked to see Danny entering the club.

We broke into the club by breaking the lock on the door. As we walked in, I noticed that we were in a gay club. "Dude, everyone in here's a dude. I think we're in a gay club." Scott spoke loudly over the music, and we both turned to look at Stiles.

I laughed as the drag queens huddle around him, one was even petting him, "Nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh Scott." We all sighed and went to the bar, looking around. "Three beers." Stiles spoke, and I looked at the bartender and said, "None for me, thanks."

He then asked for the boys' id's, and they gave them to him. The bartender smiled at their id's and suggested, "How about two coke's?" Stiles was jamming to the music and responded, "Rum and coke? Sure!"

At the bartender's face, Stiles spoke, "Or a coke, that's fine. I'm driving anyways." A shirtless guy then came up to us and gave the boys alcohol. "This one's paid for." He said, and motioned towards a man with a beer in his hand. Scott and I laughed as Stiles reluctantly took the drink.

"Oh, shut up you two!" Stiles grumbled, and Scott defended us, "We didn't say anything." "Yeah, but your faces did." He replied. I then looked on the dance floor and spotted him, "Hey, I found Danny." Scott then added, "I found Jackson."

"Get Danny." Scott ordered, and Stiles asked dumbly, "What are you gonna do?" Scott then took out the claws and I nodded, "Works for me." I grabbed Stiles' hand and dragged him into the crowd on the dance floor.

Stiles called Danny's name and tried to get his attention as the hoard of men kept dancing. Guys then started grinding on us, and I held on tighter to Stiles' hand. "Danny!" I yelled, and then suddenly, the smoke got higher. I could barely see anything, and Stiles and I squeezed through the people.

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