Party Guessed

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My mom was tending to her wound while my dad talked with Gerard, "She's my wife, Allison and Sydney's mother." "And I'm the cold-hearted patriarch holding his family to their commitments. We all have our roles, just don't expect me to play poison king to your Hamlet of a son. Not with the full moon coming." Gerard spoke, and my dad retorted, "What about the girls? How am I supposed the get them through this? We just buried Kate."

Gerard said calmly, "Tell me, how long is long enough? When exactly do you think Sydney and Allison will be emotionally prepared to handle the death of their mother?" My father looked over his shoulder to my mom, and he whispered, "They can't lose her too." My grandfather then corrected his son, "You're getting your tenses mixed up. Your wife is already dead, that thing over there is just a cocoon waiting to hatch."

Allison pulled up to Matt's house and the boy spoke, "So, about that incredibly bad idea I had..." "You mean the kiss?" Allison guessed, and Matt nodded. Allison felt really guilty, she could see that I liked Matt, at least as a friend. And she also knew that Matt probably only asked her on a date to make me jealous. "Don't worry about it." Allison continued, and Matt cocked his head to the side, "For real?"

The girl nodded and added, "Definitely." Matt rambled on for a second and finally asked Allison, "So, um is there anything going on with Sydney and Lahey? Are they together or what?" Allison looked at Matt with a knowing smile and answered, "Not really." The teen scoffed in reply and spoke, "Not really? I hate not reallys; I don't know what to do with not really."

"You seem to really like my sister, and her life is kinda complicated right now. But, I'd go for it." She advised him, and he replied with, "I'll try." When Matt got out of the car, Allison sighed and breathed on the window. Her heart sank when she saw that Scott didn't leave her a note. My sister was about to leave when she saw that Matt left his camera; she started to look through his pictures and smiled at some of them. Allison's smile dropped when she saw that most of the pictures were of me.

She went through photos of me reading, at the park, and even in my own bedroom. Her eyes widened, and she jumped when she heard a knock on the window of her car. The teen looked up to see Matt who tried to open the car, but it was locked. He looked at my sister darkly, and he mouthed 'Open the window', to which she did. Matt smiled and stated, "Forgot my bag." Allison faked a smile and lied when Matt started talk about the pictures, "Yeah, yeah your lacrosse ones are amazing, you're really talented. I was- I was really impressed."

"There was a good candid of you and your sister in there too." Matt brought up, and Allison feared the boy in front of her, "Really?" She squeaked, and Matt continued, "Yeah, you can see some more if you like. I have some more candids of your sister from school, I think you might be in one or two. A tiny little screen doesn't do it justice, but I could show you some on my computer." Allison tried to come with a good lie on the spot, but she told, "Oh I would totally like that, but maybe another night."

"Well, just for a few minutes?" Matt pestered her, but my sister looked at the clock and stated, "It's getting kind of late." The boy chuckled and pointed out, "It's the weekend." "I know, but you know I-" Her excuse was interrupted by the creepy boy yet again, "And it's spring break. I mean, you don't have a date going on tomorrow, do you?" "I should really get going." Allison almost whispered. When Matt retorted, "You sure?" my sister clarified, "I'm sure."

When Matt nodded and started to back away from the car, Allison quickly rolled up the window and sped away. She needed to find me and she needed to find me now.

Derek made me drive Isaac and Erica back to their houses, and I dropped off Erica first. The girl smiled at me regretfully, and I just swiftly nodded at her. Erica's and my relationship was rocky right now, and when I looked at her, I felt pain in my heart, betrayed. Isaac sat in the passenger seat of my car, and when we left Erica, a silence enveloped. After a minute or two, Isaac was the first to say something, "Look, I'm sorry if I pissed you off by dancing with Erica. We were just trying to distract Jackson."

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