Shape Shifted

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I heard Allison sneak out of the house at midnight. Knowing that it was date night for our parents, I didn't try to stop her from seeing Scott. I just let myself fall back asleep and clear my head of all the drama.

Lydia, Allison, and I walked up to the entrance of the school together. "You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked her, and Lydia replied, "They call it a fluke stage. Which is basically a way of saying, 'I have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days.' But, personally, I don't care, I lost nine pounds."

I marveled at how joyous Lydia was, and I lightly chuckled at what she said. Lydia was strong; she could make it through all of this. "Are you ready for this?" Allison asked her, unsure. "Of course, it's not like my aunt's a serial killer or anything." She replied, and I raised my eyebrow at the dig.

We all strutted through the doors and stopped when everyone stared at Lydia like she had four heads. Right as that happened, I got a text from Stiles telling me to meet them right now at the lacrosse field. Scott sensed another werewolf, and Stiles had a plan to find out who it was.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds," I quipped before walking off.

Making my way onto the lacrosse field, I saw Stiles and Scott talking on the bench. I went over to them and asked, "So, what's the plan?" Stiles jumped a little bit at my sudden appearance, while Scott looked relieved that I was there.

"I'm gonna try and get Scott and them one on one. That would help, right?" Stiles told, and Scott nodded, "Yeah." Stiles' face lit up and he exclaimed, "I think I got an idea." He then ran over to Coach and talked to him about something. I looked at Scott who told me to sit down, so I did.

Sitting on the bleachers, I saw Isaac staring at me. I waved and smiled at him, and he waved back. Our moment was cut short when Coach blew the whistle and told the guys to line up. Surprisingly, Scott ran towards the goal, even though I knew he hated that position.

I furrowed my brow in confusion as Scott proceeded to tackle and sniff one player after the other. IT actually really repulsed me, and I wasn't surprised at all that Jackson faked an injury so he wouldn't have to do it.

Next, it was Isaac's turn. My gut was telling me that something was wrong when the boys tackled each other. I saw Isaac breathing heavy, and Scott looked at him in awe. Could Isaac be the other werewolf? Had Derek gotten to him, told him everything?

Stiles' dad, the Sheriff, and two other policemen came as the two boys stared at each other. The police talked to Isaac as everyone crowded around. I stood next to Stiles and Scott while Scott eavesdropped. "Isaac's father is dead, he was murdered." Scott stated.

The cops led Isaac away from the field, and he walked with them, but he kept his eyes locked with mine. "Are they saying he's the suspect?" Stiles asked, and Scott reported, "I'm not sure, why?" I then answered my friend by saying, "Because then they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours."

"Like overnight?" Scott questioned, and I rolled my eyes at him, "During the full moon." We stared at Isaac's retreating figure as Scott asked, "How good are they at holding people?" "People: good, werewolves: probably not that good." Stiles snarked.

"Stiles, remember when I said that I didn't have the urge to maim and kill?" "Yeah." Stiles replied, and Scott pointed out, "Well, he does." I looked at Isaac longingly, just wanting him out of that situation. I was going to do whatever I could to get him out.

I got lonely in chemistry without Isaac there, and I could hear Stiles and Scott talking, probably making a plan and weighing the options. I then quickly wrote down a note and threw it at Stiles. It read, You have to get into the principal's office.

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