Chapter 3: Does Riker Likes Me?!?!?!

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Riker's POV : I think I like Brittney because of her brown hair, blue eyes, her tan skin. Yup I like her but rocky likes her to uh-oh. How am I going to tell her.
Brittney's POV : I woke up by rock music playing."ugh Turn It Down". I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like a crying monster. I decided to take a shower and after that I brushed my teeth and hair. Then I changed into a pair of short shorts and a blue crop top I don't think Adam would approve but I don't care. I walked downstairs to eat breakfast once again riker is here."Good morning". I said to the boys. "Brittney go change now!" Adam demanded."no". "Whatever". I poured me a bowl of cereal and ate it. Riker couldn't stop staring at me. "So guys me and my siblings were wondering if you to go to the beach". I said "yes". "Well see ya at the beach". Riker said happy.
Riker's POV: I can't wait to see Brittney in a bikini so score! Once I got home rydel and the boys were ready I just had to change.

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