Chapter 22: Baby

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9 months later
Britts POV: I was sleeping when I felt my tummy hurting. Then I felt something wet on the bed. Im in labor. "RIKER. I screamed. He shot straight up. "What. He whined. "IM IN LABOR. I shout. "OK let's go now. He said. Riker helped me out of bed. I put on my uggs. Riker carried me bridal style to the car. Once riker got in I yelled "HURRY. He drove to the hospital. Riker walked up to the lady. "Umm my wife is in labor. He said. She nodded. "Mrs. Lynch. The doctor said. I stood up. They put me in a wheelchair. Once we got In the room
I screamed at riker. "I seriously hate you for getting me pregnant. The nurses giggled. "Aren't women so nice when there in labor. The doctor joked.
"Its a girl. The doctor said. I saw a tear going down rikers cheek. The nurse took the baby to clean it. "Riker its a girl. I said tearing up. "What should we name her. He said. "Adriana. I smiled. He smiled back.

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