The Incident #1

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(Kirito POV)

The next day we were all in the main hall except Yuuki. I guess he was still sleeping?

"...So...What now?" I ask

"Next area probably." Dazai says with a dangerous glint, "Remember what I said Kirito." 

He was referring to speaking with Gojo and I soon.

Monokuma then appeared in the room.

"Hey! Where's Yuuki?!" He yells

"No idea!" Aqua replied

After a few moments, he is carried in by 3 of the giant robots from before. Then he is thrown on the ground. He was covered in bruises again, likely from resisting.

"Where have you been?" Kazuma asked

"...Trying to rest. I still don't feel all too well." 

Yuuki seemed...Odd. Like he was hyper-sensitive. His eyes were darting around all over the place.

"...You good?" Kazuma asks again

"Yeah, man. 100% fine,"

After that Monokuma speaks up.

"Now that we are all here, it's time to get going!"

We all start walking when Echidna walks next to me. I didn't want to be close to her considering everything that had happened.

"Kirito. I never voted for the last trial."

I froze in place.

'Then...Yuuki must have voted right?' I thought as I started to walk again with Echidna next to me.

'Wait, what's to say she isn't tricking me?'

"I don't trust it. You're just trying to make Yuuki look even worse." I replied

"Well, I'll die either way, so it doesn't matter." She shrugs

"Whose to say that?" I ask her 

"Is it not obvious? I am the traitor you know. I know a lot more about our situation than anyone else here."

"...Still, don't you have any desire to live? Even if you are a clone like Dazai said, you must have a will right?"

"...A clone," She said in a mocking tone, "Well, maybe. Who knows."

I decided to talk to her wasn't worth my time anymore and decided to walk with the rest of the group.




We then finally reached the new island and it was what looked like a carnival. There was a roller coaster, a huge castle, a funhouse, and...Monomi's house?

"Feel free to explore!" Monokuma yelled, then added at the end very quietly, "...You won't get very long."

I went over to Dazai.

"You want to talk now or later?" I asked him

"Later." He then left while looking deep in thought.

The first place I went to was Monomi's house. I was the only one here as I approached the front door.

I put my hand on the doorknob and thought I heard crying from the other side.

'...Is Monomi crying?'

She hasn't shown any emotion for a while, so this was surprising.

I opened the door to see her sitting on the bed crying, holding her head. She didn't even seem to see me as I entered the room.


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