The Incident #2

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(Kazuma POV)

It was the next day, and we were all sitting in the hotel dining area. Even Dazai was here today, except one was still missing.

I could hear Kirito tapping his foot nervously on the floor, a cold sweat over his face.

"..." Everyone knew what was happening, but no one could ask.

"Where's Albedo?" 

I guess there was one that could ask. Aqua.

"We should probably go look for her." Echidna says, "It is unusual for her to be missing."

We all stood up, but Dazai was still seated. He looked deep in thought.

"You comin'?" I asked

"...Naw, give me...A sec..." He mumbled his response to me

We all left, and it didn't take long to find her. She was dead on the central island, with her head clean and decapitated. 

Surprisingly though, I wasn't too bothered. Was I becoming stronger? Or was I becoming so weak because of my ideals that I simply didn't care?

We waited, but Monokuma never came.

"...What now?" I asked

"Well, I would say search for clues since we still have to catch the murderer. Don't you agree?" Echidna asked me back

"I guess, but without a surefire way to kill the murderer, it makes pointing them out pointless."

Then Dazai finally met up with us. "Sorry, I'm gonna take Kirito and Gojo. Both of you with me real quick."

They both followed Dazai, and the rest of us searched the area and body for clues. There really wasn't much to go off of though.

"Based on the blood and the cut, I would say the likely weapon is an axe." Echidna deduced. 

"Makes sense to me," Fuuka said, "Still, I'm more concerned about what Monokuma is up to right now. Why's he not here?"

"No idea."

"You work with the bad guys, right? Tell us."

"...I assure you, I am not a 'Bad guy' I just...Well, I guess I actually am a bad guy. Nevermind."

We continued searching the Body and area, but there still wasn't much to find.

(Kirito POV)

"Hey, where are we going?" Gojo asked

"..." I remained silent, still trying to process that my best friend here was killed

Dazai remained silent as well and led us to his room, locked the doors, closed the curtains, and double-checked for hearing bugs in his room.

Finally, he started speaking, "This may come off as crazy rambling, but I need you to trust me. We need the two of you to team up, and both of you need to kill Yuuki."

"..." We both remained silent but for different reasons.

"I have no proof I can show you, but I need you to trust me...Please."

"...I won't." I said, my voice seems to have gotten colder even by my standards, "You think I would trust you just because you said please? You are the Ultimate Manipulator. I...Will not trust you."

"..." Dazai and no remark, and turned to Gojo

"Sorry, it's a no for me too." He said, "I will Kill Yuuki alone."

"...Gojo, I don't have enough information on you considering you are somewhat supernatural like Yuuki himself. So, if you can answer me without Pride in the way if you were to fight, would you win?"

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