The Alone Life

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Soren POV...

I was in my Villages blacksmith shop sharping up some of the many swords that Mr. Bjorn had me sharpen,he wasn't as nice as who my friend,Hiccup Haddock was under,Mr. Gobber. I soon finished up sharping up the swords and placed them on the weapon rack with all the other Dragon Killing weapons,I then walked into Mr. Bjorn's room to tell him I was done. But when I walked into the room I saw that Mr. Bjorn was fast asleep,so I decided to not try to wake him up,so I just left the Blacksmith shop heading home,I passed several Vikings who were getting those big torches ready in case there was a Dragon Raid tonight,which I hope there wasn't because I was absolutely terrified of dragons. I soon approached my house and walked up the stone steps and opened the door to be greeted by the quiet atmosphere, sine I lived alone,I never met my parents as the Chief of the Village found me as a baby drifting on shore on a piece of greenish colored ice. So that ment I had to fend for myself which was hard for even me since I was only 16 years old,I soon walked up the wooden steps leading to my bedroom,I climbed into my bed and fell asleep not knowing that tonight...

My life would change...


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