The Move

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"Cora Luna Jane get down here right now I'm done waiting!" My mom yells from down stairs "fine I'm coming" I shout back at her. I really didn't want to go I can't believe we are actually moving back to West Virginia but I guess my parents really miss it there. My dad was left his parents house when his mom died a few years back so I guess we're just going live there better then the house just collecting dust. "Are your bags packed Cora?" My mom asks as I make my way down the carpeted stairs of my house for the last time. "I can't believe I will never see this house again." I sign as I look around the entry room of the house I have lived in since I was ten years old. "all right let's go We're going to miss our flight." My mom yells from the front porch with the door propped open. "Alright, ok I'm coming" I say slightly annoyed as I walk out the door. It was about half an hour later when we arrived at the airport "ok everyone get there bags from the trunk" my dad say as we get out of the car "hey guys!" my aunt says as she gets out of the car parked next to us. My aunt will be driving are car to West Virginia and helping us get Settled in to the new home for a few weeks we would have drove are selfs but my mother gets really bad car sickness and it's not as bad on planes. Besides I don't know if I could last in a car ride all the way from San Diego, California to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia while sitting next to my little sister the whole time. Dad let me have the window seat on the plane ride there, unfortunately the drive to the house was still pretty long since the only other airport that a San Diego plane could land in was in Charleston which is about a four hour drive that was complete torture for my mom but aunt Jenny helped her though her bouts of vomiting during the car ride. "Ok I think we are finally at the house" my dad exclaims as we pull into the driveway of the two story house. "Thank god I don't think I could handle another minute In that car!". My mom shouts while she tumbles out of the front seat. " Alright let's have you lay down so you don't throw up again." My aunt says guiding my mom to the front door "gosh this place looks just as I remembered it growing up" aunt Jenny says walking through the entire hall and upstairs. " Oh this was your dad's old room now it's yours Cora" my aunt tells me as she walks out of my mother new room that used to belong to grandma. "Well it's pretty empty" I say thinking my dad would have owned more stuff " yeah your dad took Almost everything with him when he went to college all that's left now is a few coat hangers and the bed" my aunt says clearly reminiscing about what the room used to look like. "Don't worry though I'm sure we will get you A new bed that's not older then your father." Aunt Jenny says laughing while we walk back down the old wooden stairs. "Cora come here sweetheart" my mom shots from across the house. I look around aimlessly trying to find where she was calling from eventually I find her in room connected to the dining area. " look at this room Cora" my mom says as she looks around the large art studio that my grandmother used to paint in "there's so many windows and you always say natural light is good for painting" my mother reminds me  "you can have this room Cora I know how much you love to paint" my mom was right I did love to paint it was the only way I felt like I really knew my grandma. I stayed in my new room for a couple hours after I had spoken to my mother Unpacking, putting up posters and trying to make this actually feel like my room. "Cora, Marie come eat please" I hear my mom yell from the downstairs kitchen. I I have no clue what we are going to eat since we don't even have any silverware or food In the house yet. "We are having pizza"says my mom, as we walk down stairs and dad brings three pizza boxes inside and sets them down on the kitchen island. My sister loves pizza she's practically had three slices before I could even finish my first. That's when we all heard the doorbell ring " Cora sweetie could you get the door?" my mom says sweetly as she's pouring A cup of apple juice for Marie  "yeah sure" I reply getting up and pushing in my chair. I open the door and behind it was a man a boy who looked to be his son and also a little girl "hello there, I'm your next door neighbor James And this is my son Milo and my daughter Adriel we just wanted to welcome you all to the neighborhood" the man says in a very chipper voice with his daughter giggling behind him and the son on his phone the whole time not even looking up to see who answered the door. "Hey well I'm Cora" " and I'm Harlow her mother" my mom interrupt me as she walk up to the door. " why don't you guys come in we got some pizza and we are definitely not going to be able to finish all of it" my mom asked the family standing on our porch. " oh we would love too if it's not to much trouble" the dad answers in the same chipper tone. As the three people entered the house My mom is going on about how her husband grew up here and how we used to live here 4 years ago. "So Adriel would you like so apple juice like Marie over there" my mother says pointing to my six year old sister Who was laying on the carpeted floor of the living room. "yes please" the little girl answered she walked over to the living room and sat next to Marie after my mom had given her the apple juice. After that I grab my glass of water and take it with me to my art studio this felt like a good time to start a new painting. "So Milo why don't you join Cora in the studio you guys should get to know each other" I hear my dad say from the other side of the door while I'm getting out my paints from the moving boxes. "I think that's a great idea" his dad says as I can hear them get closer to the door. My mom opens it and Milo walks in the door was left open and Milo sits down in the seat next to me the conversation between my parents and his dad is moved in the living room when my dad starts talking about the football game on the tv. "So you used to live at Harpers Ferry?" Milo asks "yes I did we move to California when I was ten. Have you always lived here?" I replied "no I used to live in a town outside of Harpers ferry we just moved here about three year ago." Milo says still looking at his phone " so you live in the red house at the bottom of the hill right it's the closest house to us" I say laughing a bit " yeah i do" Milo answers his eyes fixated on the phone screen. CRASH! I hear a loud bang come from the closet of the Studio. Milo looks up from his phone for the first time his blue eyes shimmering from the overhead light. " I should probably go see what that was" I say a bit startled.

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