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Milo strum's the guitar "Oh it out of tune you mind if I tune it for you" milo asks looking up from the strings "go ahead I won't stop you" I replied sitting down in the office chair in front on my painting desk. Milo began humming and adjusting the strings " what are you doing" I say confused I expected him to have a tuning app on his phone but he didn't. " Im tuning the guitar" Milo says just as confused " but you don't even have a tuning app out?" I say " I don't need one I tune by ear" Milo says seeming confident. " do you play guitar?" Milo asked "I used to but I would always use an app to tune" I say turning back around to my painting. " Why did you stop playing?" Milo asks me " it's a long story I really don't want to talk about it" I say trying to drop the subject. " oh sorry" Milo apologies looking back down at the guitar I didn't mean to be so harsh but it's just not something I'm ready to talk about. A few minutes go by and I hear Milo playing "Roslyn" by Ron Iver on the guitar I slowly turn around in my chair and just stare at the guitar his hands strumming the strings, his eyes fixed on the cords. He finishes the song and looks up at me my eyes still mesmerized by his hands on the guitar and suddenly I look up " I know I'm handsome but there no need to stare" Milo says with a bright smile plastered on his face. "Oh uh sorry,sorry" I say my face glowing red "it's ok I'm kidding" Milo says laughing his eyes, my god I almost found myself getting lost in them. He could use a haircut though "Milo! come on buddy we gotta go" Milo's dad yells snapping me out of it "bye Cora I'll see you later" Milo says putting the guitar in the closet. I hear the front door shut as I continue my painting about ten minutes later my aunt walks in the room " what are you painting" aunt Jenny asked " just a snowy landscape" I say turning around " it looks good" she says sitting in the blue arm chair next to me "so did you and Milo get along"  my aunt asks " yeah I guess he's really good at guitar" I say " he's cute isn't he" she says "Jenn.." I say before she interrupts me " and he's your age, you guys would be so cute!" Jenny says   Excited " we just met clam down" I say laughing  "ok well I'm gonna go continue unpacking" aunt Jenny says walking out of the room. " CORA!" I hear my sisters high pitched voice yell as she stomps down the stairs into the Studio  " what do you want" I say annoyed " take me to the river please, mom won't let me go alone!" Marie cry's " not today" I say turning back around. " sorry Cora but you have to we are trying to get the kitchen unpacked and I don't need you kids running around" my mom says leaning on the doorway. "oh my god fine" I say standing up " thank you Cora I love you" my mom says as I walk out the door my sister behind me. I can feel the hot sun on my back as we walk down the pavement to a little dirt road stopping at the river. " ok go play" I tell June as I sit on a nearby log "your not gonna get in the water with her" I hear a deep familiar voice say behind me.

Welcome home Cora Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang