Who is willow?

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I woke up the next morning on the couch, I had to sleep there sense my bed didn't have a mattress yet. "Morning Cory" aunt Jenny says as she walks into the living room with a cup of coffee in her hand. Aunt Jenny was the only person I would let call me Cory, well other then willow. " your mom is making breakfast why don't you go help her" Jenny says leaving the room. I walk into the kitchen and see my mom looking in the fridge with an annoyed look on her face. "Cora I'm out of eggs could you run to the store and pick some up I'm really craving some" my mom says closing the fridge door. " well I would but you know I can't drive mom" I say laughing " yes I know sweetheart but there's a go mart at the bottom of the hill you can walk there here's twenty dollars and make sure to bring me the change" she says taking a pan from the overhead cabinet. "Ok mom I will be right back" I say putting on my converse and walking out the front door. As I get closer to the end of the hill i see a red house with a big front porch, it's the only house at the bottom of the hill so I can only assume that's where Milo lives. I walk into the go mart the girl behind the counter giving me a smile. I go over to where the eggs are and pull a box out of the freezer when I here the voices of Milo and Ayla in the aisle behind me. I was about to go over to them when a flood of worry came over me scared that they would bring up willow again so I tried  to get to the register without them seeing me but of course that didn't happen and they ended up seeing me when the two of them left the aisle. " Cora hey girl!" Ayla says from behind me I was really happy to see her I just didn't want to talk about willow. " hey Ayla what are you guys up to" i say waiting for the guy in front of me to finish checking out. " we are just getting some snacks for are game night" milo says "yes, and we were just going to invite you!" Ayla says all excited "you really should come we do it every Saturday at my house" milo says. "I will have to ask my mom but I think I'm free" I say  setting the eggs on the counter. The cashier checks me out and I wave goodbye to Ayla and Milo as I walk out the doors. As I walk up the hill I see a guy on the other side of the road walking up to I guess he also living on this hill I did see three other houses when I was walking down the road. "Hey" the guy says from the other side of the street with a smile on his face "hello" I say back returning a smile. " I've never seen you before do you live on this hill?" He asks " yea i live in the house at the top of the hill" I answered "oh I thought that old lady lived alone" he said confused " well she used to but she actually passed recently and she was my grandmother so we decided to move into her old house. " oh I'm so sorry" the guy says "it's ok I didn't really know her that well" I say looking up the hill at a house that I'm guessing is his. He crosses the road and walks up the steps "I'm Anthony by the way" he says opening his front door. "I'm Cora" I say right before he shuts the door. "oh good Cora your back I just finished making the bacon and toast" my mom says as I hand her the eggs. " now go get a plate and sit next to your sister" my mom said open the box of eggs "ok mom" I say putting to pieces of bacon on my plate. After everyone had sat down for breakfast I decided I ask about the game night. "so mom there's this game night at Milo's and i really want to go" I say setting my fork down "oh hunny I don't think you should be going out you don't know this place well" my mom says "oh come on let's the girl go she has Milo and Ayla and she knows this place fine she used to live here too" my aunt Jenny says "oh all right but I don't want you to walk home in the dark so why don't you stay the night with Ayla." My mom says "thank you so much mom" i say putting my plate away.

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