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I finally make it to Australia and get unpacked in the apartment I bought and I am feeling pretty amazing right know. The weather is amazing and so far life has been peaceful just how I like it. So far I have just been staying in my apartment because I don't want to socialize with people until Summer comes but I mean that's what I normally do. Summer is my only friend really since we were like children and often I am to busy studying or surfing or even just avoiding people making it hard to have friends. I was going to just sleep the rest of the day today but I got a notification from my phone. I glance over to see that I received an email from the surfing competition manager saying that it has been moved to today?!?! What? How is summer going to make it???

Immediately I call her so she can get here as soon as possible. "Summer they literally changed the comp to today! Your gonna miss it!" I say quickly. "Girl I know that. I'm just going to come for the finals. Trust me they will let me surf. You go I'll be fine. Maybe you can make new friends, you need them." She says laughing at her joke like it's the funniest thing in the world. "Summer! What if they don't let you compete. You trained so hard." "Don't worry about me. Just go out and swim." She says before wishing me good luck.

I thought I had at least a week to practice my gosh. Hopefully I don't do to bad.

I make it to the beach where it will be held and notice everyone with their club as I walk over to the announcers booth to get checked in since I'm not with a team. They all recognize me straight away which is slightly embarrassing because now everyone seems to be looking at me but what can I do. After I check in, I put on my headphones and begin warming up, I am honestly not worried that I will lose because well, im ranked the best here but being cocky never gets you far.

As I warm up, this blond girl walks up to me and taps my shoulder, "Hi, are you Adriana Castello? I'm Wren." She holds out her hand and a smile is spread across her face. "Yes I am, it's nice to meet you. You competing today?" I ask as I shake her hand trying to be polite. Being popular means I can't be my true people avoiding self because one wrong move and I'll be canceled, although I don't care what people think my dad does so I got to. "Yeah, I'm probably going to be the captain of the national team but now that your here I guess that won't happen." She says nicely at first but her voice changes to annoyed half way through her statement. I shrug it off, "Oh don't worry. I don't want to be captain. I don't know the people well enough here. I just want to make the team." I say sweetly with a warm smile on my face. "You should come meet my boyfriend and friends while you warm up." She says starting to pull me off into a direction towards one of the set up stall thingys.

Before we could make it there, I hear my heat being called up. "Uhm sorry Wren but that's me. I got to go but good luck." I say and she lets be go causing me to quickly run off to the beach front.

Surfing was a breeze. I got the first priority and I surfed amazing. This round was more for fun so I didn't try to hard because I didn't want all the attention on me. Still I preformed okay, not as good as usual but I still received an 8.9 which was brought to put me in first.

After Wren congratulated me but not before pulling me in for a photo. I hate when people do that. Still I got to be polite but I swear if this girl randomly grabs me again I will actually blow up at her. Touching is a big no no.

"Come meet my friends now! They don't believe that I befriended you considering you are like one of the best surfers in the world! By the way could I post that pic on my socials?" She asks and I nod my head before she drags me away. Miss girl needs to chill. I am literally just a regular person who is good at surfing no need to drag me like I'm a damn Barbie doll.

"Guys I told you I know her!" She says before turning to me as I pull my wrist out of her grasp giving her a smile along with the rest of the group. She then gave me all their names. The tall blond hair one who is her boyfriend is name Ari, the shorter boy is named Marlon, the taller girl with curly hair is Bohdi, and finally the short girl is named Poppy. There names sound familiar but I can't seem to place where they are from. "It's nice to meet you all." I say and they greet me back. The girl named poppy then speaks up, "not to sound rude or anything but why are you hear? I mean your like a super good surfer and you are trying out for this team?" She says and I grin at her. I like this girl she isn't a suck up. "Gosh poppy don't be so mean." Wren says but I just slightly shush her, "don't worry it's alright. My friend who just got into surfing is trying out so I though I would join her. Surfing with a friend always makes it better, you know?" I say and she nods before continuing the conversation.

Soon I'm laughing with the rest of the group but I still have my business casual talking voice because I am not use to these people but they are nice. So far poppy is my favourite because she is the only one that from the start just treated me like any other average surfer which I enjoy.

Soon the day has come to an end and Wren once again invites me back to her house to hang out with her friends but I decline because well I just want to sleep. When I say that Wren gets slightly irritated but gets even more mad when a pink haired guy chuckles at her. I look at the guy and I can't help but find him attractive, sure I found all the here guys attractive to a certain level but he's got to be the hottest. I look at him and raise my eyebrow. "So your the girl my sister keeps talking about. She's scared you will take her spot as captain." Wrens face flashes red before stuttering out, "no-no Im not scared. The judges will make me captain because I am more committed. You looking like you were just chilling out there." This causes me to finally roll my eyes. I had to refrain from saying something snarky like who got the higher score knowing fulling that it was me but instead I turn my attention back to the guy.

He says walking over to me with confidence radiating off him. "You are?" I say trying to act not intimidated from his powerful aura. "Baxter. No need to ask you who you are since everyone knows it. Your coming to the get together at our house right beautiful?" I laugh slightly at his comment before shaking my head, "it's going to take a lot more then flattering for me to come pinky pie." I say before quickly saying goodbye to the group before leaving. When I look back poppy is laughing so hard she looks like she might pee as Wrens face is red and Baxter is in complete shock and with something else that I can figure out written across his face.

Once I get back to my room I take the largest nap I have ever took in my entire life and gosh it feels good.


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