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The next day Summer messaged me to tell me to meet her at Ari's because apparently she and her mom are gonna be staying there because they got kicked out of the house.

I quickly meet her there not wanting to waist any time because we do have a comp today. Immediately when I get into Summers view she rushed up to me, "Ma said I will have to go to New York if I don't get first in my heat! Please tell me you aren't in mine. I'm heat 3 with Wren, I'm mega screwed." I try calming her down as her nerves build. "Don't worry. I'm not surfing against you and besides Wrens ankle is hurting so she probably can't surf."

With that Summers mom drives us both down to where the competition is taken place as we talk freely, that was until I got a notification on my phone from my father.

Sperm Donor🖕

Sperm Donor 🖕: I need monayy. Get me monayy. Ran out need stuff or I wall diez.

Me: Dad are you high or something right now? I'm about to compete, just call me tomorrow. Please.

Sperm Donor: don't be soope rude to your old man. I only drynk lige a bit. If you dont gate meh monah by tongiht. You are coming bac to Nwo Yorl.

Me: ok.

How fucking could he? He already gets everything I make from my large sponsors, which can easily be brought to live on if you budget right but obviously he didn't. Gosh! Fuck. Where the actual fuck am I gonna get money from. Shit... I mean I guess I could give him the money I saved up. How will you pay your own bills then girl-

"You alright Ana?" Summer says pulling me out of my trans. "Uh yeah I'm fine." I say with a slight laugh trying to lighten the mood but Summer can obviously tell something is up, yet she can also tell that I don't wanna talk about it so she drops it. Well at least for now.

When we make it to the comp, we met up to the team but I kinda kept my distance. My train of thought is lost and it always comes back to my stupid father. Don't say that Adriana, he raised you, don't be a bitch. Your mother raised you, not him. He is the reason you have a roof over your head. You pay for that gosh damn roof. Well-

"Hey Ana! Come let's go streaks to get your blood flowing." Summer says pulling me over to a wet Baxter before practically pushing me at him, "Goldilocks gave you a surf session, did he?" Baxter says to Summer as they bicker back and forth. I chose to completely ignore their conversation until Summer starts snapping in my face, "earth to Ana? You here with us?" She says as I nod weakly. My gosh why is my father affecting me this much. "What's got your panties in a twist. Summer is the one that should be nervous yet it's you!" Baxter says before wrapping his wet arm around my shoulder pulling me in. "Eww your all wet." I says but regret it immediately, "I bet I could make you wet in seconds." This dude, "but on a real note, just pretend like all your problems are gone. You know your a great surfer so just show everyone that." I blush at his statement. Although tons of people complement me, this one felt real. "Thanks, I'll try. Amazing surf by the way." I say numbing his shoulder slightly as I look up at him with a genuine smile on my face. "No problem Adie, go before you miss your race." "I will. Give your younger sister my condolences by the way. I hope her ankle gets better soon." I say happily before skipping off but I swear I heard Baxter scoff at my statement. Wonder why.

Summer hands me my surfboard and Baxter eyes go wide? "Good luck Ana! You got this!" I race into the water with my board in hand and I smile. Remembering why I did this is the first place, to get closer to mom. Still fathers texts lingered in my thoughts as I surfed. For some reason I could not get about a 7.4! Something has to be wrong. I go for my next wave and as I begin to surf, the fin comes off causing me to fall off. I can practically hear the boos from the shore. Quickly I get back as fast as possible, where poppy grabs my board to help me out. "Don't worry we got this."

I begin to panic as I see my time shorten. What if I lose my sponsorships? Father will be so mad. I will have no money and-and- oh gosh... what-

"Adriana, snap out of it. Your board is gonna be fine and you are going to surf amazingly. I just know it okay?" Baxter says gripping boy my shoulders making me look into his eyes. "Yeah-yeah." He breaths with me a little bit and stayed by my side until poppy came back with my board. I was glad I had them as friends but I couldn't help but wonder why Baxter had this look of disappointment written on his face?

Thankfully Badgers words stuck with me and I got a 9.3! Keeping me in first place! To make it even better, Summer also won in her heat because Wren couldn't race and she was well better then the rest of them, honestly I bet Summer could beat Wren too if she tried hard enough.

Now I just need to figure out how to get money for my father...


Sorry for the short chapter, next one will be longer. Hope y'all are enjoying it so far!

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