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Adriana's POV
Holy shoot! Baxter Fucking Radic kissed me! The worst part is I actually enjoyed it. From it being the worst day of my life to the best in the matter of seconds is actually crazy. I should be sad about losing my best friend but when Bax's lips touched mine, it all faded away. But the night didn't let you there. "I wanna show you something." With that he drags me off into his truck and  took me off the a building not so far away.

"So your a shaper?" I ask as as he holds my hands as we trace the board. ""I'm learning, yeah. But it takes years to be actually good. I had an apprenticeship back in Queensland until we had to move." He says as he looks at his board with admiration. "It looks amazing so far. Are we going to poor the glaze." At that he chuckles at me, "Me, not you. I spent months on shaping this board." With that I watch Baxters face a with absolute focus.

"I can't believe Summer hate me now! A-and everyone is turning against me!" I say after we just talk about the most random things for 30min. "What who said something to you?" I look at him embarrassed, I totally regret telling him that. I basically badmouthed his sister! "Well Wren basically blamed me for the thing that happened and tried to get me kicked off the shoot." I say and I hear Baxter sigh. "We had a rough childhood. Not that that's an excuse but once we left Queensland she lost everything." He says but I can't help but wonder why me? "That's terrible but why me? All I have been is nice to her." "I just think she is jealous..." Hey says smugly like that makes it any better.

Why would someone so perfect as Wren be jealous of me. I wish I was like Wren. Her whole life set out in front of her. Although I don't wish I was her because I want to kiss her brother.

With that he leans in and kiss's me and I feel butterfly's in gulf me. Gosh this feeling is amazing. With one last peck, he pulls away and guides me back to the car where he drops me off at my apartment. Life could not be any better, all I have to do is apologize to Summer tomorrow.

The next day I immediately rush back to Ari's house to say sorry because well my birthday is in a couple days and I want to celebrate it with Summer.

When I knock on the door, to my surprise, Summer was already there putting on her shoes. I started my rant, "Before you kick me out again, your my best friend and I miss you. I will literally do anything to be your friend-" "Stop Adriana. I should be the one apologizing. I know your birthday is coming up soon so to make it up for you, I bought a plane ticket for your dad so he can celebrate with us!" She says happily but all I feel is fright and sadness but it comes out as rage. No Adriana control yourself. You don't want one of the few people in the whole world who like you to hate you. Just make it up. Pretend to be happy. He will only be here for a little bit. I gave him money so he should be good... "Summer... you didn't have too. All that matters now is that we are together. I'm so glade me are friends again." I say before leaving the situation as quickly as possibly.

The moment I was a couple blocks down, I broke down crying. Basically a full blown tantrum. I even pick up a few rocks just to throw them at nothingness. I collapsed to the ground as loud sobs spilled out of me but before I could fall to the ground arms wrap around my waist in support.

"Adriana. It's me, Baxter. Look at me okay? Follow my breathing." He says but I just couldn't. This is all too much. My father here now? He's going to ruin everything. Once he finds out I kissed a boy it's over for me. Oh gosh, why does my father care about that but not my own well being. Fuck. My breathing rapidly increases so instead Baxter grabs my chi, forcing my eyes to go on his. "Count with me." With that we start at one and go up until my breathing starts to settle. Gosh he probably thinks I'm so pathetic. I basically had like two panic attacks in two days.

After I calm down he lets me go as we sit on the curve. Silent tears are still streaming down my face as we sit in silence before I speak up, "I'm sorry Bax... Gosh, I-I must seem so damn pathetic... Thanks for helping me though. Your so amazing." "Adriana... Are you sure your alright? This one seemed kind of bad. If you need any help I'm always here to listen?" He says probably expecting me to tell him what got me so riled up but I just can't. I haven't told anyone about my father and I don't plan to any time soon. There is a difference from just getting help and asking for help, I just don't think I'm ready to cross that line yet. "Can you just sit here... and maybe hug me please." I say looking up at him with my sad puffy eyes. His eyes soften and he immediately wraps his arms around me in a large hug. "I love the bear hug, Baxie Bear." I say i feel the vibrations of his chuckling through his chest.

With that we stay hugging and talking about life for what seems like forever. He always knows exactly what to do to pull me away from all my problems in the world and ground me. "Uhm we really should get to camp if we don't wanna be late." I murmur and I watch as his eyes turn into little rainbows. "You so worried about my big bad sis. Don't worry being a few minutes late won't kill us." He says as we sit there for a little bit longer.

Oh how I wish I could sit with him forever.

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