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The day of finals is heat and I make my way to the beach. I got to skip straight to the finals so I didn't speak to any of my new surfing buds but my mind occasionally goes to that pink haired boy but I think it's normal, right? I mean I just stayed the same room for so many hours, when your board your mind tends to wonder.

I make my way to the comp and get set up in my usual place and put on my headphones vibing to the music until once again Wren comes to mess up my mojo. She asks to practice with me and we'll I felt bad for saying no so me and her surfed a couple waves.

As we got out of the pool I notice my favourite American standing with my surf buds. Oh that's why their names sounded familiar. I quickly tan up to Summer and jumped into her arms. She reacted quickly and spun me around.

We are about the same hight but I am a bit slimmer and have more of a defined body shape. Along with that I have green eyes that contrast with my dark brown hair but besides that we could pass as siblings.

"You know the Adriana Castello?" The blond hair boy named Ari says in surprise. "Ana? Yeah we have been pals for a long time. How do you think I got good at surfing. She basically trained me." Summer laughs smilingly but I could tell something is up. "She is like the best 16 and under surfer in the world! You just casually forgot to mention she's your friend?" Ari says and I can't help but feel slightly annoyed. "Yeah we have been friends like forever. We basically grew up together and why does she need to even mention me like there is no point." I say slightly aggravated after he talked about me acting like I wasn't even there. "Anyways my heat is going soon so I got to go. I'll see you guys later."

I take my board and walk down to the beach were I was getting ready but I was greeted with mr pink pie. "Hey beautiful." He says as I roll my eyes. No way am I gonna get messed up from him getting in my way. "Just coming to wish u good luck." He says before giving me a smirk. "Thanks." I reply quietly before sprinting off towards the water. Damn this boy, I swear he is purposely trying to get in my head.

Still after everything I surfed amazingly. My heat wave got a 9.3 honestly one of the highest scores I got in a while. I am for sure making it on the national team now all I gotta worry about is summer.

After my heat, it's the final one so summer better be surfing but when I looked she was no where to be seen.  I quickly make my way to poppy practically begging her for answers only for her to tell me Summer didn't get in.

Before my happiness of my amazing surf can turn to sadness, I see an unexpected surfer pop into the water, Summer!! This girl somehow did it and I can't help but cheer her on. Some people give me weird stars but my girl is doing it, all this training seems to be paying off.

"She is doing great, isn't she? It's all thanks to me for sneaking her in so I should get a gift, shouldn't I. I was thinking about maybe a kiss." Baxter says making me roll my eyes once again at his comment. How does he have the balls to say the most forward shit. "You helped her sneak in?" "Don't be so surprised sweetheart." He said before walking away. I swear this man will be the death of me.

Before he could say any more Summer drags me away and I give Baxter an apologetic smile before turning my attention back to her, "you swam amazing girl!" "Thanks but honestly is was all that dude, who is he anyways." She says before I could step in poppy does, "Apparently after Nationals last year at Carvers Bay, Baxter burnt down the Boardriders Clubhouse. And he got kicked off the Queensland team and they moved down here." Okay damn. Did not expect that but I mean no actually there is no good excuse I can come up with to make him burning down a building alright. I mean he's hot? Stop that's my Wattpad talking.

Poppy and us girls continue talking and they plan to go back to Ari's house later but I didn't want to overstep. I literally met them a couple days ago but his mom was totally chill about it and basically told me that like saying that goes like my house is your house or something like that.

I change into a tight summer pink dress that has pretty orange and yellow patterns reminding me of my favourite rainbow sherbet ice cream. We all huddle around watching young versions of Ari and Summer dance and I can't help but laughs. "Hey, you taught him the dance we made." I question through laughs, "What it was a good one I needed others to see my spectacular moves." She says before dancing around pulling me with her.

The night was going by amazingly and surprisingly nobody once mentioned surfing. Well except Wren who seemed to ask me literally every question imaginable but it's all good in heart I think because she just wants to be a better surfer.

As I dance with Summer happily, I can feel someone staring through my soul. I glance around and see Baxter looking at me with his arms crossed as he leans on a pillar. My face heats up slightly and he smirks at me once more. Gosh this arrogant boy, he knows what he is doing. Fucker.

Soon sings start going off and everyone immediately checks their phone. Looks like we will find out who made the national team. I glance down and notice my acceptance but that was to be expected, I'm just worried about Summer. I Watch as she walks away to check her phone quietly and I can't ready her face so I'm beginning to get nervous. Her mom puts a supportive hand on her shoulder.


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