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❝And the skeletons in both our closetsplotted hard to fuck this up

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And the skeletons in both our closets
plotted hard to fuck this up.


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HADLEY ALDEN, LIKE MOST PEOPLE IN CARP, TEXAS, HAD LIVED THERE HER ENTIRE LIFE. It was kind of a thing in the town — no one ever came and no one ever left. She could name every single person in her grade in a matter of minutes, and she had pictures of pretty much all of them.

Hadley was the observant type. The only things to her name were fifty dollars and a camera. She brought the camera everywhere with her, and she took pictures of everything. It had gotten her into trouble a couple of times, when she had pictures of a guy kissing a girl that was not his girlfriend or a teacher pulling a bottle of whiskey out of his desk.

She lived in a very small house down the street from her cousin, Tyler Young, who was a drug dealer. Because of the fact that that meant he had some questionable people hanging around and the fact that being associated with a drug dealer might limit her chances of getting into college, she did not hang out with him all that much.

However, there was another reason that she did not go around his house all that much was his friends. Well, one friend in particular. Every single time she went over to see how his mom was doing or drop something off, none other than Ray fucking Hall would find some way to make her feel uncomfortable.

Then, Tyler would smack him, and they would go back and pretend that she did not exist. She preferred it that way. She noticed things. She was not noticed. And she was perfectly fine with that. She had been, her entire life.

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