chapter 5

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These next two chapters contain-

It took a few minutes for Quackity to calm down and got up when he was calm only to be pushed back down landing on his back on the floor and feeling the familiar feeling of fear entering his body. He looked up to see Wilbur standing over him with a guilty look on his face and he was holding some sort of needle in his hand. "what are you doing?? I thought I could trust you-" the hybrid studded and put his arms up in defence for what ever Wilbur was about to do to him.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this" Wilbur injected the liquid from the needle into Quackitys blood stream. He felt a massive wave of guilt wash over him as he watched the hybrid start getting weaker and struggle to remain conscious. "I'm sorry" Wilbur whispered one last time before the hybrid lost consciousness. Once he was sure that Alex was asleep he picked him up and started to head back through the thick lush forest and back into the lab moving him to a different and more secure room from the last one he was in.

Quackity started waking up about an hour after being taken back immediately felt massive amounts of pain throughout his body. The pain was enough to make the hybrid start screaming and crying in pain and curl up into a ball on the bed he was put on, he couldn't move because every time he did it felt as if a knife had just been stabbed into that part of his body. Suddenly his wings started feeling lighter and cold and he gained enough strength to move his body to see what was wrong only too see his feathers falling off his once beautiful and neat wings now showing nothing but the skin and bones that was underneath. He started to cough violently till blood started coming up and be started struggling to breathe and loose consciousness again but this time it would be forever. Feeling numb and light headed now he started to silently thank his parents and the friends he had when growing up along with the childhood he had.

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