Chapter 6

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This chapter contain-

Wilbur rushed into the room to see Quackity laying on the bed, dirty from being outside and small splats of blood on his hands and shirt. He ran to the hybrid panicking and scared that he was in pain and suffering praying that he could help him some how and that he would be fine.
Wilbur realised once he got closer to the once beautiful hybrid that he wasn't going to make it so out of guilt he picked the dying man and sat down with him on his lap. He started singing to him and rubbing his back soothingly to try and soothe some of his pain in his last moments there. He felt the man's body relax after a few minutes and his breathing stopped and Wilbur started to cry softly once he realized that the hybrid was now gone.

He got up and put Alex's body down on the bed and tucked him in before standing and grabbing the gun from his pocket that he had to take with him for safety. He wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of what he had done to another person, he felt dirty and he was angry at himself knowing he was the reason that Alex was dead and had suffered during it. Moving the gun to his head and pushing it against his brunette coloured hair he smiled one last time at the camera in the room before pulling the trigger on himself. His body fell limp and it fell to the floor blood starting to pool around his head and the gun fell to the floor with a small 'ticktch'.

It was finally over.
everything had finally ended, and they were free.

For now...

To be continued..?

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