Stiix and Stone

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After a long and tiring flight, Tina had arrived at Stiix, a town that was built over water. A perfect place for someone like Ronan to hide out. She was the first to arrive, she didn't see the boys anywhere. Tina landed on the decks and then shifted back into her human form. She started to walk around Stiix, searching for Ronan. She then headed into a little pawn shop that was filled with all kinds of items, including weapons. Tina walked around the shop, eyeing each of the shelves filled with many knick-knacks. That was when something caught her eye; a box filled with jade blades. She hadn't seen one of those since the tournament of elements.

"See anything you like?" a voice said.

Tina got startled and accidentally ended up hitting a man in the face. "Oh my god. I am so sorry." Tina apologized.

"It's fine." the man groaned, "That's quite an arm you got there. Name's Ronan, owner of this shop."

Tina looked at the guy, she was a little surprised that this was the famous Ronan that the ninja hated. He didn't seem like a bad guy. Ronan showed Tina a few weapons that he had in stock to get her interest. She did ask Ronan if he had anything that could deal with ghosts. Ronan showed her an Aeroblade, forged by deepstone, an aquatic material mined from the bottom of the ocean. He offered it for about a hundred; luckily for Tina, she came prepared. She had some money saved up from a few odd jobs she did during her time in the foster system. She paid for the aero blade in full cash which pleased Ronan. Unfortunately for her, the ninja showed up in the pawn shop.

The minute that Ronan saw the ninja, he backed away slowly seeing that they were still mad about their last encounter. Ronan almost tricked them with a trap but the trap missed them. Tina rolled her eyes watching the ninja act stupid. "I bet your airship's not far either." Jay commented, "What do you call it again? Rilo? Ruby?"

"Rex." Ronan answered, "And could you have a little sympathy? Sold her so I could buy this place. As you can see, I'm trying to make an honest living."

"Honest enough to steal the Scroll of Airjitzu?" Kai asked.

"The Scroll of Who-whatzu?"

"Airjitzu. It can make a Spinjitzu Master fly." Jay stated, annoyed with Ronan.

"Yeah. So hand it over or we can make you fly." Cole threatened.

"Boys, that's enough!" Tina shouted, "You aren't going to just get the scroll by threatening the guy. Just pay for it."

Kai pinned Ronan to the wall asking him what he wanted for the scroll. Ronan gave the price for the scroll in exchange for two hundred. Jay made a fuss about them not having that kind of dough. Cole told Ronan that all of Ninjago depends on that scroll but Ronan took advantage of it and upped the price to four hundred. There wasn't anything they could do, this was Ronan's shop so they would have to play by his rules. With Zane leading the group; after Kai had gotten them lost on the way to Stiix, Zane figured that they just give Ronan what he wanted or Morro might. And thanks to Kai's terrible bargaining, they had to pay Ronan four-fifty for the scroll.

The minute all five of them walked out of the shop, Tina slapped Kai upside the head. "Nice going Kai!" Tina said with sass.

"Oh like you could do any better?" Kai asked.

Zane suggested that they do something to help come up with enough money to buy the scroll from Ronan before Moro showed up. Zane's idea was to help one of the dock workers complete the dock but they had to watch out for strangleweed, once it grabs you, it'll never let you go. The boys were doing a great job so far until a bug flew into Zane's mouth and damaged his entire language database. He was now talking gibberish which confused the others and Kai ended up destroying the dock that they had built. Needless to say, they did not get paid. Tina did a scan of his voice mod; she could fix it but it'll take time to get it up and running again.

Jay took over as leader of the group, he stated that they would just steal the scroll from Ronan instead of buying it. "Jay, we're ninjas, not thieves," Cole said.

"Yeah, but we're stealing from a thief. Haven't you ever heard, two wrongs make a right." Jay stated.

"Not how the saying goes," Tina commented.

"Too bad. We're doing it. After Ronan locks up tonight, we steal the Scroll of Airjitzu!" Jay explained.

Unfortunately, Moro was just outside Stiix and he summoned the Soul Archer with the Allied Armor from the Cursed Realm. He needed the Soul Archer to help him get the Scroll of Airjitzu from Ronan. The Soul Archer was familiar with Ronan since he owed him a large debt. With the armor weakening Morro and Lloyd fighting his possession at the same time, it was getting harder for Moro to stay in control. "Then let my bow give you strength and point the way." The Soul Archer said, firing a ghost arrow at the docks. "Tonight, we will take what's ours."

"Master will be pleased," Moro said.

Tina wasn't comfortable stealing so while the ninja went along with Jay's ridiculous plan, she decided to go speak to Ronan herself. She managed to make it to his shop just as Ronan was about to close up. "Tina, what a surprise. Let me guess, the ninja don't have the cash for that scroll. Too bad." Ronan said with a smug look on his face.

"Ronan, this is bigger than money. Morro wants the scroll too. He's possessed Lloyd and he has the Allied Armor. He'll summon more ghosts and take the scroll for himself. And something tells me that you have a history with one. If Moro gets the scroll then all is lost." Tina explained.

Ronan sighed, "I can never say no to young girls. Alright, I'll give you the scroll."

"Or, you could hand it over to me."

Moro and the Soul Archer were inside the shop, Tina told Ronan to get the scroll while she held them off. Ronan had only gotten a few steps when Moro grabbed him then the archer pointed his arrow at Tina. They heard the other ninjas' voices coming from outside. Ronan tried to call for help but Moro covered his mouth to prevent him from shouting. Tina pulled out her Aeroblade then she threw it at the Soul Archer, he dodged it and the blade hit a vase. The vase shattered but inside it was the Scroll of Airjitzu. Moro saw it and ran to grab it but Tina used her powers to bring the scroll into her hand. Moro was about to charge at Tina but the ninja came inside the shop.

The second all of them laid eyes on the scroll, Ronan let out a whistle then something happened. The shop started to shake which distracted Moro and the others. Tina was able to grab the scroll with everyone distracted. The back shelf was being lifted into the air, half the shop was destroyed by Ronan's airship, Rex. Ronan gestured to Tina to get on Rex which she did. "Ah, I told you his ship wasn't far!" Jay shouted.

Tina then gave Ronan a fake copy of the scroll to throw the others off track while she learned Airjitzu. Right on cue, Moro used his powers to knock Ronan off Rex which began the chase. Tina had already used her powers to teleport herself to the outskirts of Stiix. She opened the scroll and analyzed the movements used to learn Airjitzu. She copied the movements down perfectly then she was suddenly lifted into the air by a tornado. She had mastered Airjitzu; now she just needed to keep the scroll away from Moro and give it to the ninja. But just as she was about to find the others, Moro found her. "Give me the scroll!" He shouted.

"Over my dead body!" Tina shouted.

Moro pounced on Tina trying to wrestle the scroll away from her. The two of them tossing and turning, and fighting to the scroll. But then, something unexpected happened. Moro was groaning in pain then Tina heard a familiar voice, "Tina. Help me." that was Lloyd's voice.

Tina gasped, "Lloyd?"

But at the last second, Moro took control again and snatched the scroll out of Tina's hands. "Pathetic. Love is weakness." Moro muttered, learned Airjitzu then left.

Ronan showed up on Rex and Kai was on the ship as well. Turns out, Ronan knew another way for the ninja to learn Airjitzu but he wanted something in return. With Kai's terrible negotiating, he gave Ronan his shares of the tea farm along with the others' shares as well. Tina groaned when she heard what Kai had done. But Kai went off on her for tricking them and learning Airjitzu for herself. She ignored Kai's rant; her mind was elsewhere, Lloyd. Seeing Moro using Lloyd like that to trick her, broke her heart. She was willing to do anything to save him, even if it meant going alone.

Master of Magic (Possession) Lloyd X OCWhere stories live. Discover now