Girl Bonding

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Ronan took Tina back to the tea farm while the ninja went to the place that Ronan told them about to learn Airjitzu. Sensei had been training Nya to be the Water Ninja but she still had doubts that she wasn't a Water Ninja but a samurai. And now with Ronan being the main shareholder, he was also Wu's business partner in the shop. Nya begged Wu to let her go and help the ninja but Wu stated that she still needed training. But as Ronan said, in life there are always second chances. "What do you mean, another way?" Garmadon asked.

"What? No one ever told you about Yang's Haunted Temple?" Ronan said, casually.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Tina shrieked. "Yang's Haunted Temple?! You just led them into a dead trap!"

"Hey, you already got Airjitzu from the scroll," Ronan said, pointing to Tina.

She didn't want to listen to what Ronan was about to say so she just walked out of the tea shop, ignoring Ronan. Tina went down to the river and decided to meditate by the riverbed. Her spell that lets her travel into the minds of others activated so she can see where Moro was. The spell took her spirit to a dark cave where Moro was hiding out along with three ghosts. She recognized the Soul Archer but the other two ghosts were new to her. The female ghost seemed to know what the second symbol was and that he needed more than Airjitzu to get there. Moro seemed to know where to find the vehicles he needed. Tina tried to get a little closer to hear the location but the she wore off.

She was now fully conscious near the riverbed but she was also soaked with water. Apparently, Nya was training to command water and it got a little out of hand. Tina decided to give Nya a little help with her training. She used her magic to create a water snake with the water, moving it with gentle motions to impress Nya. Tina then stopped the spell and the water snake disappeared. "Woah. You never told us you could do that." Nya said.

"A gals gotta have her secrets," Tina stated.

"You have got to teach me how to do that. I can't even reverse the flow of the water." Nya said.

"Well, your powers are still new. You haven't used them so they're a little weak. And right now, you're trying to force them out. Not to mention, you have always been Samurai X and stressed out that it's harder to get your powers under control. What you need is to relax and go with the flow." Tina explained.

"And just how am I supposed to relax? The boys are at a haunted temple and Lloyd is still possessed by Moro. I can't help but worry."

Tina knew just how to get Nya to relax; she took Nya to the backup shed which was where Tina liked to go for a little piece and quiet away from the boys. Tina then used her powers to start her mind spell again but this time, she was gonna have Nya join her. Figured that the two of them could check on the ninja at Yang's temple. She transported their spirit into the temple study where the ninja were. They couldn't see or hear the girls due to the spell, it was perfect for spying on them. The ninja needed to find the ghost of Sensei Yang and get out of the temple before sunup or else they'll become ghosts, permanently. And it didn't help that Cole was leading the team who happened to be afraid of ghosts.

Jay did fix Zane's voice mod but his tinkering ended up getting his volume setting stuck so Zane could only speak loudly. Jay read in one of the books about Yang and how no one saw his students leave the temple, believing that Yang's strict teachings had driven them away. In Yang's words, 'As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens student.' Just then, there was a ghostly wail in the clock which startled everyone. Cole opened the clock doors then he let up a girlish scream as Zane's falcon flew out of the clock. The others had used the falcon to make ghost noises to scare Cole for a prank. Even Tina and Nya were laughing their heads off at the prank.

Tina stopped the spell and both she and Nya were conscious and back into the shed. Nya couldn't stop laughing at the boys' playful prank. Tina was happy that she made Nya smile with everything that had happened. Tina then suggested that they head over to Nya's Samurai X cave. Nya wasn't too sure about ditching Wu and the others but with Ronan keeping them busy, it would be easy for them to slip away. Instead of taking the Bounty, Tina changed into her dragon form then Nya hopped on Tina's back and they left for the cave. When they arrived at the desert, something felt off. As they arrived at the cave, the entrance was already opened.

"Nya, who else knows about the cave?" Tina asked.

"No one. It's a secret. Well, minus the others." Nya answered.

"Does that include Lloyd?" Tina asked, nervously.

An icy chill ran down their spines seeing the entrance open. They ran down the steps and then hid behind a few rocks when they saw Moro and his ghost lackeys in the cave. Moro already knew Airjitzu, so going after Nya's mechs was new. That's when the realization hit Tina, the vehicle that Moro needed was Nya's mech. Nya activated one of her suits then she dawned the mech, trying to fight against the ghosts. Unfortunately, Nya's weapons were no match for the ghosts. Just as the Soul Archer tried to fire a ghost arrow at Nya, Tina threw her aeroblade knocking the bow out of the archer's hand. Moro then began to conjure up more ghosts with the armor.

"He's conjuring reinforcements!" Tina shouted.

"That I can deal with," Nya said.

She then fired a bomb straight at Moro, it stuck to the Allied Armor, ticking down. "You're gonna blow up Lloyd?!" Tina shouted.

"Oh. Yeah, maybe I didn't think that through." Nya stated.

Moro ripped off the armor and then threw it at the girls. Tina moved out of the way just as the bomb went off, destroying the armor. The ghost held Nya's mech down, stopping her from fighting back. She ejected herself from the mech but that gave one of the ghosts, Ghoul Tar the chance to possess the mech, turning it into a ghost version of Nya's Samurai suit. Without another thought, Tina grabbed Nya's hand and the two of them made a run for the entrance. "We have to go back," Nya stated.

"We can't. We can't take them all." Tina argued.

But as they reached the outside, Moro and his ghosts had them surrounded. Tina and Nya closed their eyes, expecting the ghost to finish them off. Suddenly, something cold and wet hit them, and they opened their eyes to see rain. The ghosts ran for cover under the mech minus Moro. They then took off with the mech while Moro flew off on his ghost dragon. "Rain? In the middle of the dry season?" Tina questioned.

"What luck, right?" Nya stated.

"Nya, that wasn't luck. That was you! You are the Water Ninja! You tapped into your powers!" Tina exclaimed.

Master of Magic (Possession) Lloyd X OCWhere stories live. Discover now