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My husband had always been a very intimidating man, I can't think of a time where the man was genuinely scared. Sebastian is a big man, not only is he 6'4 but he has a wide build and has always devoted time to weightlifting and running. 

In our younger years he was very possessive of me and was extremely offended if a guy would simply glance my way. He'd grab me by the ass in front of a crowd and kiss me like it was our last kiss ever, just to show people who I belonged to. It was one of the many things that made me love him so much more. 

"Seb, please people are watching us"

"Fucking let them, they need to see that you are mine. Your body is only for my eyes, only for my mouth to devour"

My body filling with butterflies at his crude statement. 

Everytime after that day I would have those insistent butterflies when his tantalizing eyes would focus only on me. 

At one time... now, his eyes devoured someone else 

I had known for awhile that things between me and Seb had been rocky, we didn't talk as much, we barely touched eachother, and in the last month and a half we didn't even share one tiny kiss. I would welcome him home late at night and attempt to kiss him but he would pull away. The first time I was utterly confused, the second I was concerned and by the third time everything in me deflated and accepted the fact he didn't want that physical touch at the time. Now, I think it was because of Carly.

Carly had only been hired around a year ago, after Sebastian's last secretary Denise retired. Denise was a 58 year old woman that had become a second mom to Sebastian. It wasn't uncommon for her and her family to join our Christmas celebrations. When she retired Sebastian had been in a hurry to hire another secretary because he couldn't keep up with his schedule, Carly by chance had been the first interview and Sebastian was quick to hire her. It wasn't alarming to me, my husband had been stressed without the extra help, he needed someone there to keep track of his busy days. 

I had known about his new hire but I didn't meet Carly until the office Christmas party. She was like my look alike, and when my husband introduced us I had been very uncomfortable. The whole party he barely even acknowledged I was there, he spent it going in and out of his office with Carly signing paper work, and on the occasion he was out at the party he didn't come over to let me know what was going on. He didn't even take one glance at me. Carly had his full attention. 

Getting a cab home that night felt like my only option. My husband was up another woman's ass, a much more beautiful and skinny woman. For the first time my husbands eyes weren't on me and it made me feel inferior, unimportant. That night I had curled up in bed with Maya holding her while silently crying. 




"Chaya, where are you?"

The only sound out of me were my labored breaths, I couldn't put words together. I thought I was ready for this but I didn't have it in me to say my last goodbye to my husband. 

"Where did you take the girls? why aren't you home right now?"

"You better start talking i'm about to call the police and put a missing persons report out"

"Don't... Don't ever talk to me like i'm a child again"

It was his turn to let out breaths, even though I think his were angry breaths. 

"Chaya, where are my children? I come home from a long fucking day at work to an empty fucking house. WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY KIDS?"

"Oh i'm sure you had such a long day, must've been so fucking exhausting fucking Carly in your office!"

Though the anger was in my voice, my eyes were blurry with tears. Sebastian has never yelled at me before. 

"Chaya.. you need to come home with the girls right now, we need to talk about this sweetheart"

I couldn't speak, Sebastian hadn't called me sweetheart in well over a year now and I couldn't believe that this was the time I was hearing it again.

"You.. you don't get to tell me what to do, me and the girls are going to stay away for a few days. Don't get defensive with me, I would never keep the girls from you. But WE are NOT talking." 


"NO! You do not get to do what you did to me and call me that!"

"I've had enough of this Sebastian, I can't keep pretending we are married"

"We are married Chaya! You are not pretending because we are MARRIED"

"No, marriage is a partnership, and we haven't been partners for awhile now Sebastian"

" The last year has cleared somethings up for me. One, our children barely even know who their father is. When you come home they are asleep and your gone again before they even open their eyes. Two, the love we shared for so long, is not there anymore"

"CHAYA! Stop!"

"I am not going to sit on a phone call and listen to my wife tell me she doesn't love me. If you are going to say things like this it will be to my face!"

"You have NO right! I just caught my husband cheating, I will NOT listen to you give commands anymore" 

"If you want me to say it to your face get your ass out to Utica and I will say it so fucking loud the entirety of New York State will know it" 

"Darling... you drove four fucking hours in the middle of the night just to get away from me? With our children?"

"Have you gone completely insane Chaya? Not only you but our girls could've been hurt because your selfishness got in the way of our girls safety"

"Are you joking?... "

I gave him the opportunity to take his words back, I really wanted him to take them back.

"Holy shit your serious?"

"Yes, and if I had time I would've taken them to a completely different country if it meant I could get away from my dirty lying cheating husband for a few days"

By now the sobs were pouring out of my chest once again. He had no right to talk about selfishness to me, he had ruined our family, our whole life.

"Chaya, i'm sorry sweetheart. Just please stop crying, I can't handle it. Especially when i'm not there to hold you"

I continued to sob while he begged me to stop. Until I finally got my emotions under control again.

"You will never hold me again, goodbye Sebastian.."

Hey guys I hope your enjoying it so far. Again, this is my first story ever so if you find grammar mistakes point them out!!

Also if your in enjoying this please comment, its always encouraging to interact with you guys 




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