Did You or Did You Not?

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The sun was shining, the light annoying me even with my eyes closed. Blinking was unnecessarily painful, and the burning sensation shooting through the front of my head made me utterly frustrated. Taking in my surroundings I found my bedroom, the same one I woke up in just yesterday morning. Except this time I didn't have the warmth of my little girl, the room and bed were as cold as my heart felt. 

There was quiet murmuring coming from downstairs, the one that stood out was my mother's, but only because I knew her whisper-shouting tone like the back of my hand. Obviously, she was upset with someone, and my mind automatically summed up who she was talking to based purely on her tone. 

Touching my toes to the cold floor caused a shiver to rack up my spine, unsure if it was from the prospect of my husband being just down the stairs or my body's natural response to the cold. Whatever it was, it didn't feel good and I knew right from that reaction this was not going to be a good day. 

Wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation before actually being involved I crept from my room very stealthily to avoid them recognizing the sounds of the creaking boards under my feet. I knew that it was likely that after last night's incident my mother called Sebastian, not knowing whether it was for my benefit or the girls was beyond me. 

"Do you realize what you have done...?" yep! That was definitely her lecturing aka pissed tone

"Mary-Lynn, please... she's my wife, she needs me" Holy mother of shit, I had not ever heard such an exhausted and anxious timbre in Sebastian's voice before. A true sign of longing for his mistress I'm sure 

"Now, Chaya is your wife? She was your wife when you were with Carly but that didn't seem to bother you. Her feelings and her well-being was not on your selfish mind then were they?"

"YOU, have NO idea what you're talking about!" Oh no, Seb was fired up and if I didn't get in between them this was going to go very very badly

"You will not raise your voice at me in my house! I don't know who you think you are, but you will always be the poor orphan boy who somehow trapped my beautiful, intelligent daughter in a loveless, inconvenient marriage that she never WANTED!"

Sebastian's eyes were downcast, suddenly finding the hardwood floor the most interesting thing in his life. For the first time since he moved to Boston and found his confidence, I saw a glimpse of the teenage boy I fell in love with. 

My feet softly paddled down the stairs like a guilty toddler would, Sebastian's eyes zipped up to meet mine in a split second, relief flooding his face. My mother and father loved Sebastian like their own child but in the beginning, they had comprehensive feelings about him and frequently voiced their concerns. More often than not, in front of him, I would stand up to them and defend him. 

My days of defending you are over bud. You're a big boy and now learn to defend yourself

By the obvious relief and slight smugness on his face, I knew he thought I was going to have words with my mother but he was sorely mistaken.

Diverting my eyes back to my mother, "Momma, give me and Sebastian a minute please" 

"Of course darling, take it easy, i'll be right around the corner" The conflict was clear in her eyes, a momma bear wanting to protect her cub. Except this cub had grown from big bear claws. 

Once mom was out of sight I turned back to Sebastian wanting to get this conversation over. 

"Baby... are you okay? what happened to your hand?" I knew he was concerned, but unlike a few months ago I no longer felt sympathetic to his worry. Actually, I wanted him to hurt.

"Sebastian, what are you doing here?" my face did not give any kind of indication of my emotions, mainly because I'm not sure I even felt any. 

"Baby I'm here because you are my wife and wherever you and the girls are is where I'm meant to be, you can't possibly believe I would stay in Boston when my whole world, my three girls are here"

devastation covered his face, I'm not sure he could take the rest of this conversation or even this whole situation if this is how he feels right now.


"Stop, please Chaya baby. Please don't call me Sebastian. you haven't called me that since we met"

"Sebastian.. we talked about this yesterday, its time for you to go"

"We didn't talk about this. Chaya you don't want this, you don't have to do this. Let's just go home and I'll explain everything you saw"

"Did you sleep with Carly?"

Something flickered in his eyes...

"You will only get this one chance to come clean to me"

"It's not what you think baby. Please, please just come home with me"

"This is my home, Utica is my home. Boston is your home"

"My home is with you Chaya" Desperation was taking over his voice, he felt it in his bones, I wasn't going home. 

"This is your one and only shot right now. Did you sleep with Carly?"

"Chaya, baby... it's not like that"

"Did you or did you not Sebastian? It's that simple. I don't want an explanation or a reason, I just want this one answer'

"It's NOT that simple, because once the words are out of my mouth you're going to be done"

"Sebastian..." He knew that voice, it was my exasperated tone

"I'm already done, I just want one last truth between us"

"Chaya!" he reached out for me, his hand just barely reaching my arms before I backed up 

"Baby you don't mean that. We have so much! What about the girls? How are they going to have a good childhood with mommy and daddy living in two different states? you can't do this to us!"

"Let's make one thing VERY clear! I didn't do anything to US, if you want someone to blame for how miserable our girls are going to be, go find a mirror and take a good long look because the person staring right back at you is the reason our family is ruined. You just took your own wrongful, despicable action and tried to blame it on your wife, the wife who sat at her husband's desk and watched her marriage decimate, thank you for your lack of FUCKING honesty."

"Baby, please stop. I love you, this whole thing is a fucking mess and I can't lose you over this. you're my everything"

"Sebastian you lost me the minute you decided to put your dick in another woman, its time you leave unless you want a more clear version of my feelings, and I don't think you can take hearing me say that today"


Hey guys, trying to get the most out of this week. So keep a lookout for more chapters 

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Byeeeeee :)

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