The Company

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a little bit of Seb -- from his pov of the day 

I feel like everything is just falling apart... the company has been sinking because of a rat laundering money out through a direct source. In the last 4 months Kealey Construction has lost over 2.3 million in unidentified outsourcing and estimating. The situation at work had been affecting my personal life for quite some time now and I couldn't seem to make things right. 

The stress from work and lost profits had made me distant, I hadn't heard my little girls laughter in months and it was weighing heavily on my heart. Chaya, well she was a whole different story. We haven't made eye contact in whats felt like forever, my girls eyes is one of my favourite things about her and it just about killed me everytime I came home and found her in bed, facing the wall. 

A few months after the initial distance between us, I started coming home to an empty bed. Chaya done just about anything to not share a bed with me, between sleeping with one of our girls, on the small loveseat in her reading nook or in the guest bed. The nights I had gotten home late and found her in the guest room I would slide in next to her and just cling to her. There has been a wedge between us and I couldn't stand sleeping alone in our bed. 

Fear coursed through my body everytime I thought of not having our little family to come home to everyday, adding an increased pressure on my aggravating work life.

It didn't slip my mind that these issues started not long after hiring Carly, or that my wife had a visable dislike for the woman. 

I couldn't blame her, I spent close to 15 hours a day with her and most of the time it was because of Carly that I had to put in extra time. She was always delaying my schedule so that I was booked for longer hours. 

I still wasn't sure why I hadn't fired her yet. Call it curiosity, I wanted to know for sure it was her that was bombing my finance department and toying with my estimating committee.  

But you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.


I woke to my alarm, just like every other morning. Reaching my hand across the bed praying my wife had decided to sneak back into bed in the middle of the night. Hoping she missed me even just half of the amount I missed her. 

All I was met with was cold, neatly folded sheets, just like I was every morning in the last week. Slowly rising from bed, my mood already sour from the lack of warmth from my gentle wife. 

Carrying out my normal sunrise routine didn't feel the same anymore, my wife wasn't going to being kissing me goodbye for my day at work, I woudn't see my daughters today, and I would be lucky to catch a glimpse of my wife when I get home from the office. 

sitting to the counter in the kitchen I lightly sipped on my black coffee, closing my eyes I allowed myself to reminisce on a time where things in my life were right. I could see my wife stumbling down the stairs with Maya excitedly prancing around her feet talking about the wild dream she had that night. My beautiful Chaya would look up from our daughter, setting her sights on me, her gold eyes lighting up through the obvious tiredness. God, she was always a complete state in the morning, but it made her so much more beautiful. 

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