Chapter II

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Nobody's POV

Hayden walked into her first class of the day, and quickly went over to her seat, and sat down.

Since she had gotten there a few minutes early, she took a swift glance around to see if Sayori, who was in her first class, was there yet.

She wasn't.

The brunette sighed, pulling a book out of her bag, it was the Portrait Of Markov, Yuri had gotten her into it recently.

She started reading a couple chapters of it, but stopped after hearing the bell ring, and the frantic scrambling of someone just entering the classroom.

As Hayden looked up, she spotted Sayori slamming into a desk as she slid into the room, and then righting herself, running to her seat next to Hayden.

As the energetic girl sat down, the brunette turned to her, eyebrows raised, "How did you still manage to be late, even if you were riding on Ray's shoulders, as he was sprinting to school?"

Sayori looks away from her, and brings her hand up to rub the back of her neck in embarrassment, "Well, on my way to class, after Ray put me down, I saw a vending machine."

Hayden nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

Sayori swallowed in nervousness, "Well, the- the vending machine had cookies in it, and- they were chocolate chip! I couldn't resist it okay?!" She exclaims.

The brunette sighs, before leaning towards Sayori, "Did you get any for me?"

The pinkette reaches into her pocket, taking out two chocolate chip cookies.

"Of course I did, you would've killed me if I didn't get you any." Sayori says.

Hayden nods, agreeing with the girl, before taking the cookie that was offered to her.

She leaned back in her chair, putting her cookie into her own pocket, and turning to the front, paying attention to the teacher.


It was finally the end of the day, and Hayden started packing up her stuff.

After she was done, she picked up her backpack, and started heading to the third floor of the school, for her club.

On her way, she ran into Evelyn, running in the direction of the third floor staircase.

Evelyn almost knocked down Hayden while they were sprinting.

Hayden stumbled, before regaining her footing, and standing upright again.

"What the hell Lyn?!" She exclaimed.

The noirette turned around, "Oh, sorry! I'm just trying to, uh-" Evelyn pauses, trying to make up a good excuse.

"Oh! I'm just trying to get to the baking club's extra clubroom because we're not going to bake anything today, and our leader decided to have a relaxing day." They explain.

Hayden raises an eyebrow, but shrugs and nods nonetheless, deciding to believe her twin's reasoning, for now.

They both begin to walk up the stairs together, and when they reach the top, Hayden starts going to the right hallway, while Evelyn goes to the left.

Hayden furrows her eyebrows in confusion, seeing as there were barely any classrooms that way besides the art room, an abandoned classroom that basically nobody ever went into, and the music room, and she doubted that the baking club, would meet up in any of those places.

But, the brunette shrugs it off quickly, continuing on her journey to the Literature Club.

She reaches the door to the club swiftly, and opens the door.

The brunette glances at the clock, realizing that she got to the club much too early, so much so that not even Monika was there yet, and Monika was usually the first one there.

Hayden walks over to her usual seat, feeling slightly out of place, because she wasn't used to being in a classroom by herself.

She pulls out her book and starts to read, looking up warily sometimes, mildly terrified to be caught in a classroom by herself.

After a bit, Hayden looks up at the clock, noticing that ten minutes had gone by, and nobody was there yet, besides her.

The brunette starts to panic, wondering if the club wasn't supposed to meet up that day.

After about two seconds of panicking, the door to the room opened, revealing Monika, who was straightening her blazer, seemingly trying to make herself look more professional.

As she started to smooth her slightly tousled hair, she spotted Hayden in a seat, and her eyes widened ever so slightly, and her posture stiffened a little, but not so much that the brunette noticed.

Hayden visibly relaxed as Monika entered, and gave her a smile, waving at her.

Monika's stiff posture relaxed after she saw Hayden wave, and waved back as she spoke, "Hayden, it's quite a surprise to see you so early!"

The brunette chuckled lightly, "Yeah, I just got out of class quickly, and headed right here." She paused for a second, "Although I did run into Evelyn on the way here, they seemed to be frantic to get where they were going."

Monika's eyebrows raised a bit, and a corner of her mouth lifted upwards into a smirk, "Were they now?"

Hayden nodded, "Yup." She said, popping the 'p' in her pronunciation.

Monika nods, her smirk shifting into a smile, before she turns around, heading to the teacher's desk, and sits down, and pulls something out of her backpack, starting to write on it.

Hayden goes back to reading, but gets quickly interrupted by the door opening again.

Hayden sighs, setting her book down again, but her face brightens up when she notices that it was in fact, Yuri, who had entered.

The brunette swiftly stands up, and walks over to the plumette, hugging her.

"Hey Yuri!" She says happily.

Yuri's eyes widen, and she looks around in a panic for a moment, before slowly wrapping her arms around the taller girl, returning the embrace.

"H-hi, Hayden." Yuri stammers.

The brunette pulls back, and grabs the plumette's hand, pulling her towards the spot where she was sitting earlier.

Hayden sat down, sitting Yuri down in the seat next to her.

"So, I'm almost halfway through the book you gave me-" Hayden pauses, waiting for a reaction, which she got.

Yuri's eyes widened noticeably, and a smile spread across her face.

"And?" The plumette asked, signalling for Hayden to continue.

"Well, I really love the concept of trying to escape this facility in which they're trapped, and having to open their 'third eye' to do so..." Hayden starts, and begins to ramble about the topics in the book, with Yuri talking often, asking about different things that Hayden might've noticed, and that would lead to the brunette going on and on about that as well.

They both continued to ramble until they heard Monika's voice, "Time to share poems!"

💗Two Of Hearts💗 | Yuri x Fem! OC | A DDLC FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora