Chapter IV

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Nobody's POV

Hayden walked out of the clubroom, starting to head downstairs.

As she reached the bottom floor, she saw her twin waiting for her next to the front doors.

Evelyn's looked up as they heard Hayden's footsteps, "There you are, let's go."

The brunette nodded, and left the school building, Evelyn trailing behind her.

As they were walking to their house, Hayden turned to the noirette, "Hey, Monika wanted me to give this to you."

She held out the envelope Monika had given to her earlier.

Evelyn's face brightened up, snatching the letter out of Hayden's hands, and tearing it open.

After they'd read it, a huge smile formed on their face, and a bright red dusted their face.

Hayden chuckled, "Y'know, if I didn't know better, I'd think that you and Monika had something going on."

The noirette's eyes widened, and they turned to Hayden, "W-Well, about that-"

The brunette interrupted them, "But you totally don't right? That's be super weird if you did, y'know? My twin in a relationship with my club president, who's a girl of all things? Just seems weird."

Evelyn's face dropped, the corners of their mouth curving downwards into a slight frown, "Oh, yeah, right."

Hayden continued walking, completely oblivious to her twin's feelings.

Evelyn's POV

As we continued walking, I looked at the back of my sister's head.

Of course she would say that. Even if it isn't her fault for thinking like that, it still hurts. My mind says.

I sigh, "At least mom isn't here to reinforce her thoughts." I mumble under my breath, not letting Hayden hear me.

We finally reach our house, and I notice a familiar car in the driveway, "Oh no." I say.

Hayden turns around, "What was that?" She asks.

I rub the back of my neck, "Oh, it's nothing!" I reassure.

We walk into the house, and the smell of food reaches our noses, and the familiar voice of someone singing as she cooks.

My eyes narrow as I recognize the voice.

While my face drops even more, Hayden's brightens up.

"Mom!" She shouts out, dropping her backpack and running for the kitchen.

I slowly put my backpack down on the table next to the door, and start walking to the same place Hayden ran off to.

I enter the kitchen, spotting my sister hugging the familiar woman we used to see every day of our lives, until quite recently.

She looks up, noticing that I've entered the room.

She forces a smile as she looks at me, "Ah, Emily, there you are! I was wondering why you weren't greeting your mother!" She says in a feigning voice.

"Oh, I wonder why, Eleanor." I respond in a similar tone.

Hayden turns to me, eyes wide, as if she hadn't expected me to call our mother, if she could even be referred to as that, by her first name.

Eleanor stares at me, obviously covering up a glare.

After she's done glaring, she decides to clear her throat, and continue cooking, not sparing Hayden or I a single glance.

I scoff, and leave the kitchen, heading back to the front door to grab my backpack.

I grab my bag, and start up the stairs, going to mine and Hayden's room.

I can hear my sister following behind me, "Lyn, wait up!"

I ignore her, and continue on my way to our room.

After I enter our bedroom, I set down my bag on my desk, and Hayden closes the door after she came in.

"Lyn, why did you call mom by her first name? You know she doesn't like that!" She exclaims.

I reply as I take my math homework out of my backpack, "She deserved it. Shouldn't have called my by my dead name if she didn't want me to call her by her first name."

I turn to my sister, "Besides, she's barely my mother anyways, so it shouldn't matter."

Hayden's eyes widen more in alarm, "Of course she's your mom, as much as she's mine!"

I shake my head in mild disbelief, "Doesn't seem like it. Sure, she may be my biological mother, but that doesn't mean that I see her as my real one."

The brunette on the other side of the room tilts her head, "Then who's your real mom?"

I stop, contemplating whether or not I should make a dirty joke, but ultimately decide against it.

"Honestly? I don't think you need to know Denny." I say to her, turning back to my homework.

She sighs, and heads over to her desk.

She's probably decided to drop the matter, she doesn't like to argue that much. I think as I glance at her.

I shake my head a little, and start doing my work, waiting for the inevitable awkward dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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