Chapter III

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(Before we start, I just wanna say that none of the poems are mine, I don't have that kind of creativity)

Hayden's POV

"Time to share poems!"

Monika spoke from the front of the room, and everybody's heads turned to her.

After we'd processed the words, we all started to pull out our poems.

I grabbed my backpack, unzipping it and taking out my poem, it read:


Twinkle twinkle

Little star,

Why do you have

to be so far


from here,

in deepest space;

you touch us from

your distant place.

I smiled, happy with my poem that I'd created last night.

I looked up, and saw Yuri getting her poem out of her bag, and turning to me.

She held out her poem, and I took it from her, handing her my own.

I let my gaze fall to the page in my hands, it read:

The Tree Of Life

This old tree is full of pain and rot,

in my roots, trunk and bough.

I'm weak when once I was strong.

In life I was eager and optimistic in the spring air.

I was stoic working in the heat of the summer sun.

I lovingly helped pass a legacy of seed to autumn soil.

I was pragmatic and resilient in the cold winter snow.

I'm wise from all these turnings of time.

I know Death is but the end of a season.

I don't know what comes next but then

does winter ask 'Will there be a spring?'

I accept it is my time to pass, for my sap to slow.

All things come to an end; I cannot deny my eventual fall.

When I finally lie down, my body will belong to

the birds and animals, to the minutiae in the soil.

They will take care of the details.

After I've finished reading, I raise my head, and see Yuri looking back at me, a worried expression on her face.

"Was it too long? I'm s-sorry if it was- I just-" She tried to apologize, but I cut her off.

"Yuri, it wasn't too long, if anything, mine was too short." I say, chuckling at the end, and rubbing the back of my neck.

She nods, clearing her throat, "Well, I-I liked your poem, and the symbolism of the feeling of not being able to have something you want."

I grinned at her feedback, and started speaking myself, "Thank you Yuri! I liked your poem too, the message being that we all have to accept our eventual fate of death, but also cherish the life that we had, am I right?"

💗Two Of Hearts💗 | Yuri x Fem! OC | A DDLC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now