Chapter 4 - A Painful Farewell

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The dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves awoke Rowan from his reverie. A year had passed in the forest glade since that fateful night, and in its passage, he had honed both body and spirit. Rowan stretched limbs loosened by repetition, casting his gaze to the gnarled oak that had borne witness to all.

Its broad boughs rustled gently, and within their shelter sat Elia with nose deep in an arcane tome. Her flowing auburn locks caught the sunshine like flickers of living flame, and her delicate brow furrowed in concentration. A smile lifted Rowan's lips unbidden at the familiar sight of his dearest companion immersed in scholarly pursuits. They had walked this path side by side for so long, her presence as comforting as the forest's embrace.

Unable to resist, Rowan stealthily crept towards the oak and peeked over Elia's shoulder. "Learning the secrets of creation again?" he inquired softly near her ear, mischievous mirth dancing in his eyes. Elia jumped with a squeak that melted swiftly to a playful scowl. "One of these days your tricks will have consequences, Rowan!" she scolded, though failing to suppress her own grin. A moment of levity amid studies was always welcome.

Rowan chuckled, settling back against the rough bark to observe his friend in her element once more. Here beneath spreading boughs they had nurtured friendship's growth for turning seasons, finding solace in each other's passion and purpose. Whatever trials awaited on distant roads, this sacred grove would remain etched in memory, bearing witness to dreams taking root. For now, in each fleeting moment of light and shadow, Rowan's world was complete.

A commotion in the undergrowth alerted Rowan, and he turned in time to see Elia bursting into the glade. Panting for breath, joy and excitement lit her features brighter than any spellcasting. "Rowan, I have wonderful news!" she exclaimed, gripping his arms. Taking a deep lungful of air, Elia continued. "My application and studies have been accepted - I'm to attend the Academy in the capital!"

For a moment Rowan could only blink in astonishment. The prestigious Royal Academy, where the utmost masters of, magic gathered apprentices from across the realm - Elia had been chosen. Pride swelled within his chest, though tinged by an unnamed sadness. "Elia, this is incredible!" He embraced her tightly, eyes shining. "Your talents will be nourished there as never before. I knew they would see your dedication."

Pulling back, Elia's grin dimmed as she noted a shadow behind Rowan's smile. "What troubles you, my friend? This is a joyous occasion!" Rowan sighed. "It is indeed. I could not be prouder to see your dreams take flight. Only..." His gaze fell. "The days we walked this path together will not be the same. The forest will seem emptier without your light."

Soft fingers lifted Rowan's chin. "All things must change with time's passage, yet our bond is beyond any earthly distance," Elia soothed. "Where my feet lead, my heart remains here beside you always. This is but another chapter's beginning - we will see its end together still." Her smile rekindled Rowan's spirit, and he embraced her gratitude for the friendship to guide them onward.

As shadows lengthened across the glade, Rowan walked at Elia's side in pensive silence. Her excitement remained undimmed by duty's call, yet his heart grew heavier with each footfall. Since children they had faced this woodland refuge's mysteries together, finding solace in shared passion for ethereal arts. Now that comfort must end.

Rowan glanced sidelong at Elia's animated expressions, committing to deep memory the joy lighting her visage. How empty these paths would seem without her illumination and care. She alone had remained steadfast in belief when all others scoffed. With her departure, the glen's embrace might lose its warmth. His chest constricted sharply.

"Oh Elia... must you fly so soon?"

Soft blue eyes met his gaze, and Elia's smile gentled as she gripped his hand. "I must follow wisdom's beacon where it leads, as you have walked duty's call so bravely," she replied. "Yet distance means little when hearts are woven as one. Where your feet wander, mine will follow in spirit beside you, as you have ever given me courage to face each new dawn."

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