Chapter 10 - The Final Showdown

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The crackling fire did little to lift the gloom that had fallen over the Adventurer's Guild Hall. Rowan stared into the flames, his conversation with Elia from the night before replaying in his mind. Though their bond was unbreakable, Cadmon's needling had planted seeds of doubt.

The air was filled with anxious energy as guild members mustered in small groups. Then, the heavy oaken doors swung open with a crash, gusting in a swirl of leaves. A travel-worn scout stumbled inside; grimy cloak hacked from countless forest brambles.

All eyes turned as she limped to the guild master's table. " the East Wood," she panted, collapsing into a chair. The guild master's face drained of color as she detailed the horror that had befallen three remote villages. Entire homesteads had been reduced to smoldering ruins; livestock roasted alive in their pens. But worst of all was the sighting of an immense shadow passing overhead, belching gouts of orange flame.

"A dragon god," the guild master whispered, fingers tightening around a mug until knuckles bleached. Rumors of these ancient terrors were seldom more than campfire tales, but all agreed this matched no normal dragon's scale and ferocity.

The room erupted in panic as patrons jabbered at seeing the dark shape for themselves, of loved ones unaccounted for in the dragon's wake. Above the din, Rowan met Elia's fearful gaze, knowing their fates would soon be decided. Whatever evil had stirred in the East Wood, its wrath would not stop until its flames had scorched the entire countryside. Their greatest challenge yet was rising from the ashes. The last remnants of the panicked chatter faded as the guild master disappeared behind a sturdy oaken door. An ominous quiet fell over the hall as members awaited her return, the roar of the tavern fires the only sound piercing the tense silence.

After what seemed an eternity, the door reopened with a low groan. The guild master stood framed in the doorway, shoulders bearing a weariness beyond her years. All eyes turned as she began to speak, voice heavy.

"By decree of the King's court, the dragon scourging our Eastern lands poses the gravest of threats." She paused, steeling herself. "I have been tasked with assembling our strongest members for an elite force. Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to track and defeat this beast by any means necessary."

A restless murmur rippled through the crowd at the prospect of facing a dragon god. But Cadmon was the first to rise, smirking confidently. "Consider it done, Guild master. I've felled dragons twice this worm's size."

Seeing Rowan and Elia also stand resolute, the guild master gave a single, solemn nod. "You leave at dawn. May fortune favor the bold."

As patrons raised mugs in somber toast, Rowan helped Elia pack potions and runes, praying their bond could withstand whatever threats lay ahead in the forest of the dragon's darkness., The morning sun had yet to breach the horizon when Rowan awoke to the pre-dawn quiet. He cinched his armor and grabbed his newly polished blade, steeling himself for whatever threats lurked in the forest's heart.

Outside, a bleary-eyed company had already assembled, huddled beneath a flickering torchlight. Rowan scanned the group, relief warming him at the sight of Elia tightening her arm guards. But that warmth soured as Cadmon swaggered over, ever-grinning.

"My, what a prestigious company," he drawled, eyes lingering brazenly on Elia. "With myself and these fledglings, that worm won't know what hit it."

Ignoring his needling, Elia turned to Rowan. "We face our greatest challenge yet. But our bond is stronger than any dragon's flame." Her words emboldened him as they had since childhood.

The guild master now approached, a stern goliath dwarfing even Cadmon. "This forest holds terrors to turn braver souls than yours. Stay close and trust your training. The realm is counting on your success."

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