Chapter 8 - The Rival Appears

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Rowan and Elia nestled close together in their favorite shadowed nook, fingers entwined upon the warped wooden table as myriad voices wove an evening song around them. Lamplight cast them in a dreamy glow removed from rowdy scenes unfolding beyond flickering spheres of gold amid flickering flagons and tankards.

Here in their intimate oasis, only love's melody held sway. Elia recounted that day's lessons inclining her ever deeper into arcana's verdant groves, eyes alight reliving each insight kindled anew within ancient tomes. Rowan gazed besotted, memorizing nuances flitting across her features like darting forest sprites alight with vim and wonder. Each detail etched itself upon his soul, precious as verses composed by trembling flame-glow.

In turn, he spoke of errands carrying them afar under cerulean skies and past aureate plains, where deeds great and small were accomplishing through unity against forces that would see peace wither. Together they wove shared tapestries from such disparate threads, finding myriad points of connection between disciplines so divergent on surface yet signifying in essence.

Through it all their fingers caressed unconsciously, as if parting ne'er occurred beyond these hallowed walls where solitary was unknown. Two hearts once more beat as one, severing none could perform rending the fabric of dreams and home - for wherever their paths led, this eternal bond would light the way. The rich baritone carrying effortlessly above ambient din could belong to no other. "Elia, my shining gem, is that you hiding away in shadows?" Cadmon the Spearman elbowed through scrumming masses, bulk lending force his every maneuver could not. "Come, let this old veteran steal you away for a dance!"

His amiable rumble bespoke years campaigning from shore to shore, collecting colorful tales in place of scars. Yet for Rowan, mirth rang hollow witnessing familiarity with which bronzed paw clasped Elia's wrist, hoisting her lithe form from privacy's nook despite murmured protests. Looks they exchanged spoke volumes unsaid during past encounters, kindling emerald tinder beneath calm exterior.

Cadmon prattled on heedless, encircling Elia's trim waist to whisk her into swirl of footfalls kicking up dust of dreams and legends under throes of fiddle and flagon alike. Rowan gazed on stony, failing to buttress heart against slings recalling sole comfort that seeing her thus always roused. But she glanced back with soft reassurance dancing within storm-grey eyes, quelling doubts stirred by outsider's presumption howsoever meant in humor or camaraderie.

For now, Rowan remained sentinel, entrusting her light to none save own bounded strength and care proved steadfast through sorrows untold. Their bond transcended petty jealousies - of this he was certain, come what intrusions may fracture surface calm beneath ripples of laugher pealing forth once more. Cadmon twirled Elia amid frenetic hordes, feet executing intricate maneuvers with practiced ease.

"My dear, you outshine even glory's fiercest flames with your radiance," he rumbled silkily near her ear, moist breath prickling nape left bare by artful plaits.

Elia managed a taut smile, evading his roving gaze intent upon tracing curves veiled by flowing sleeves. "You flatter undeservedly, sir. But I fear such games no longer hold charm - my heart belongs elsewhere as you well know." Her delicate rebuttal held tempered steel beneath velveteen tones.

Undaunted, Cadmon drew her closer still. "Ah, but youth pass swiftly! One day you'll tire such pallid affections, longing for adventure this bookish lad cannot providing glimpses experienced during campaigns across kingdoms and oceans untamed."

Thinly veiled innuendo roiled Elia's stomach, sparking instinctive recoils betrayed by subtle shifting just beyond Cadmon's notice. Rowan marked each subtlety, fretting silently at signs mounting distress beneath veneer of courtesy. Yet fiery retorts died upon lips, trusting in her strength and pride unwilling demonstratively damaging cordial façades.

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