chapter two the interview

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Interviewer: we are live hey we are with costars and couple Sarah and Dacre how are you two

Sarah: I am good
Dacre: I am also good we are glad to be here
Interviewer: that's good tell me how yall met
Sarah: well it's simple we met on the set of stranger things season two and I knew he was the on the one for me
Dacre: she's right we did meet on set of stranger things season two and I fell in with her
Sarah: yeah we did fall in love right then and there sometimes I am thinking that when I am not with dacre there big peace of me is missing
Dacre: it's true that she wouldn't do anything without me
Interviewer: aww boyfriend Dacre montgomery is saying he wouldn't do anything without his girlfriend Sarah how sweet
Sarah: yeah I said as blushed
Interviewer: aww Sarah is blushing in of her boyfriend how cute
Dacre: she's my world there nothing that become between us no matter what
Sarah: I would do the same with you
Dacre: really
Sarah: really
Interviewer: okay that's all time for today good night everyone
Sarah: thank you for having us
Interviewer: your welcome
Dacre: yeah thanks for having us this was awesome
Sarah: Dacre thanks
Dacre: your welcome
Sarah: yeah
Dacre:is there way
Sarah: what do you mean way
Dacre:a way that we could fall in love with each other
Sarah: Dacre we have been dating for over a year I love you
Dacre:I love you too Sarah
Dacre:so sometimes I am thinking that when I caught you I never thought it would lead to a relationship
Sarah:me either but we are going on stronger for over a year
Dacre:yep over a year
Sarah:I love you Dacre I would never change a thing about us
Dacre:I love you too Sarah
Dacre:your sweet and beautiful and kind
Sarah:do you really think so
Dacre:of course I do
Sarah:Your amazing and kind and thoughtful and handsome
Dacre:aww Sarah thank you and you really think so
Sarah:like you said of course I do
Dacre:so what do you want to do
Sarah:don't know really
Dacre:okay I know perfect place
Sarah:okay where
Dacre:you will see
Sarah:okay I am super excited
Dacre:know you are excited
Dacre:let's go
Sarah:I gapped Dacre this is beautiful restaurant
Dacre:yeah it Is beautiful just like you
Sarah:aww Dacre
Dacre:all for my love all for you
Sarah:okay as leaned up to kiss him

Dacre:let's go in
Sarah:okay let's go in
Dacre:okay Sarah
Sarah:yes Dacre
Dacre:I love you
Sarah:I love you too
Dacre:what do you want
Sarah:I don't know really

Dacre:How is the food
Sarah:its good how is  your food
Dacre:its really good
Dacre:sarah i was thinking what you.wanted to go on  a cruise
Sarah:yes that would be fun
Dacre:okay thats good because i just booked us one
Sarah:when do we leave
Dacre:next week
Sarah:okay this will be fun i have never been on one before
Sarah:my pearnts never the time to take us

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