chapter fourteen man of the year

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Victoria:hello everyone I am here at the man of the year and I am here with the man of the year himself everyone welcome Dacre montgomery
Dacre:thank you for having me here
Victoria:so dacre most of your fans were wondering if you are married anyone
Dacre: yes I am Sarah montgomery who I am married
Victoria:get her out we want to meet her
Dacre: Sarah get out here
Sarah: hello Victoria and hello everyone I am glad to be here attending the man of the year
Victoria:so dacre tells me that yall got married
Sarah: yes two days ago today
Victoria: well congrats
Sarah: thank you Victoria
Victoria: your welcome Sarah
Dacre: she's so sweet
Victoria:yall look cute together and I think yall are awesome
Sarah: I smiled
Victoria:no wonder Dacre fell head over heels for you
Sarah: yes he did I did the same thing to him
Dacre: there Is something about her that makes her tick
Victoria: and what is that
Dacre: her smile and her personality and just everything about her
Victoria: really some husband's don't talk about there wives
Dacre: well Iam not like everyone else
Sarah: yeah he does talk about me a lot I like it

Victoria: I laughed
Sarah: yeah I really love him
Victoria: yeah I know
Dacre:I love really love her
Victoria:I know you do
Victoria:alright everyone that's all for tonight thank you Sarah and Dacre
Dacre:Thank you
Sarah: thank you
Victoria: your welcome guys
Sarah:Dacre this was fun
Dacre:yeah it was thank you for being there
Sarah: your welcome Dacre I as hugged him
Dacre: I hugged her back
Sarah:so what do you want to do
Dacre:I don't know Sarah
Sarah: okay let's go home
Dacre:okay let's go home
Sarah: okay
Dacre:Sarah I love you
Sarah:I love you too Dacre
Sarah: yeah
Dacre:I love you
Sarah:I love you too
Dacre:I promise I never leave you
Sarah:okay you didn't Have say that
Dacre:okay I kissed her
Sarah:I kissed him back
Dacre: how I did I ever get you Sarah
Sarah:I don't know you got lucky I guess
Dacre:yeah I just got lucky
Sarah:yeah dacre I don't feel so good
Dacre:oh no I scopes her up took her
Sarah:dacre I said weakly
Dacre: yes
Sarah:stay in here with me
Dacre:okay I got in bed with her
Sarah:I struggled up too him
Dacre:I put arms around her
Sarah:I put head on his chest
Dacre: sarah your cold
Sarah:I know shivering
Dacre: here I keep you warm
Dacre:I feel her forehead Sarah your fever broke
Sarah:yeah it did
Dacre:so what do you want to do
Sarah: don't know
Dacre: okay let's go get something to eat
Sarah:okay let's go
Dacre: okay
Sarah:okay I am hungry
Dacre:okay let's go get something eat
Dacre:I took to her to a restaurant
Sarah:dacre this beautiful restaurant
Dacre:yeah it is
Sarah:yeah dacre this is such beautiful
Dacre:yeah it is such beautiful night I get spend with you
Sarah: I get spend it with you too
Dacre:well I am glad to be here with you
Sarah:me too dacre me too
Dacre:I was wondering
Sarah:what are you wondering

Dacre:well when we frist met
Dacre:well there the people who dont think some who are so in love

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