chapter eighteen mean people

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Sarah:Dacre what bug's you the most
Dacre:something that bug's me well there was time where my friends were mean to me
Sarah:that's sounds horrible
Dacre: it is trust me
Sarah:dacre have I ever told you about what bug's me
Dacre: no you haven't can you tell me
Sarah:okay I was In tenth grade and I was walking to my third block and I trip and fell and there were three red necked boys who seen me and laughed at me
Dacre:I am so sorry Sarah I wish that never happened to you
Sarah:yeah I know it did there was nothing I could have done about it
Dacre:what did you do
Sarah:nothing I sat there embarrassed but my older brother came to my aid and almost got kicked out of school because took one of the boys by the neck he said not Laugh at my sister again
Dacre:wow that's very loving brother
Sarah:yeah he is very supportive of me
Dacre:good I am glad
Sarah:yeah me too are you supportive of your sister
Dacre:yes I am very of my sister
Sarah:to be I hate mean people
Dacre:me too Sarah me too
Sarah:oh I think I am getting snap from your sister

Dacre:okay what did she say
Sarah:she misses you
Dacre:wait she dose
Dacre:okay send her a snap back and say I miss you too
Sarah:okay I sent her a snap and said you're brother told me to tell you that he misses you

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