chapter ten the zoom interview

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Interviewer: hello I am here with Dacre and girlfriend Sarah
Sarah:thank you for having us
Dacre: thanks for having us
Interviewer: so Sarah where are you at
Sarah:well I am here york SC
Interviewer:okay SC Is short for what
Sarah: South Carolina
Dacre: miss you Sarah
Sarah: miss you too Dacre I wish there was way to be there with you
Dacre: me too Sarah i think someone calling you
Sarah: bye I got go
Interviewer: bye
Dacre: bye Sarah I hope to see you soon
Sarah: bye Dacre

Sarah:I am back
Interviewer:who called you
Sarah: my mom
Dacre: your back
Sarah:yeah I told you I would be back it was only my mom that called me
Dacre:but anyways I am glad your back right here
Sarah:yeah me too
Dacre: when are you planning to be back here with me
Sarah:I don't know I will be back sooner then you think
Dacre:yeah I know but I want you right
Sarah: yeah tomorrow is my flight back to you back to LA
Dacre: yay see you tomorrow
Sarah: see you tomorrow I said as blew him a kiss
Interviewer:bye Dacre and Sarah
Sarah:bye i will you tomorrow I gave him a wink
Dacre:okay as I gave her wink

Sarah:I the next day flew back to LA i texted dacre I am at the LA Airport
Dacre:I texted back alright I will be right there
Sarah:texted back okay I will be waiting here
Dacre:sarah I called
Sarah:Dacre!!! As ran to him I put my legs around his waist and my around him
Dacre:I miss you Sarah
Sarah:I missed you too Dacre more than you know
Dacre:you must be jetlag
Sarah:yeah I am tired
Dacre:let's go home okay so you get some sleep
Sarah:Dacre I am glad to have you I love you

Dacre:I am love you too Sarah and I am also glad to have you as well
Sarah:I yawned
Dacre:alright let's get you home
Sarah:okay I said sleepily
Dacre:we got home I sat next to Sarah
Sarah:I love you Dacre
Dacre:I love you too Sarah

Sarah:finally fell asleep
Dacre:I whimper good night
Sarah:good night
Dacre:I also fell asleep beside her
Sarah:I yawned my eyes flutter open I looked at Dacre he looked handsome sleeping
Dacre:my eyes flutter open as well good morning he said
Sarah:good morning
Dacre:how did you sleep
Sarah:slept good it's l am so glad to be home
Dacre:yeah I know you are I am glad too
Sarah:how did you sleep
Dacre:I slept pretty well sleeping next to you always keep me going I really really missed you
Sarah:I missed you too Dacre so much really really that much too
Dacre:yeah so what do you want to do
Sarah:I don't know honestly
Sarah:you choose what we should do I have been home a week so I am letting you pick
Dacre:okay I know what should do
Dacre:I take her to a Cafe in LA
Sarah:I ordered
Dacre:so did I
Sarah:we ate our breakfast
Dacre:how's the your breakfast
Sarah:it's really good
Dacre:that's good
Sarah: how is your breakfast
Dacre:it's really really good
Sarah:good I am glad you are

Sarah:Dacre how many siblings do you have
Dacre:just one sister
Sarah:oh your parents never wanted a big family
Dacre:no how do you siblings do you have Sarah
Dacre: wow that's a lot of siblings
Sarah:yeah it is but good thing is that having six siblings is you are never alone playing

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