chapter 24 walking around street of LA

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Sarah:what do you want to do
Dacre:I don't know really

Dacre: I have idea
Sarah:okay what's that
Dacre:well I was wondering
Sarah:what were wondering
Dacre:well we could
Sarah:what could we do
Dacre:we could do walk around LA
Sarah:okay let's do it
Dacre:okay we walked around street's of LA
Sarah:wow Dacre this beautiful
Dacre:so Sarah
Dacre:um I am hungry
Sarah:yeah me too
Dacre:okay let's go
Dacre:we went go in eat
Sarah:I don't know what to eat
Dacre:they have many things
Sarah:okay um maybe I will get luster
Dacre:okay that sounds great
Sarah:okay what are you getting
Dacre:don't know

Dacre:maybe I will steak

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