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I sat up on the cold bed. The house was foggy and felt moist. The rain seemed to engulf the wooden house making it unsafe.
The knock continued.
"Shit that was real?" I asked rushing out of the room.
I ran to the door and checked the peephole, the girl from my dream was standing there. She didn't have the food like in my dream but she looked the same. More importantly she had a smile.
I opened the door, "Hello?"
"Hi there. Do you accept the offer?" She asked.
So it was real.
"You run a hard bargain. But I thought it wa-"
She cut in, "A dream?"
I nodded.
She beckoned me outside of the house, "Come with me."
I would love to given the chance.
"Where to?" I asked.
She didn't say anything. Her walk was unnatural and gave me a hesitant thought. Her car was black and seemed expensive.
I put on my black boots dirtied with mud and wet from the moist air. It was cold and displeasing. The woods of my house seemed more colorful and brighter than usual. I guess it's the weather today. It was supposed to be warmer.
"You coming, or are you going to stay here?" She questioned.
I didn't want to due to the fact of everything that has happened. But what the hell?
"The world you see isn't really the world you live in. Cliche? I think not. This is the truth, and I think you deserve to know." She explained.
I rubbed my chin. The stubble was beginning to grow in. Seems too late to shave now.
I sat in the passenger seat of the black car. The seats were white leather partly ruined from the constant usage. The dashboard was slightly dirtied from constant use of food being placed on top of it.
"Nice car." I said hinting to the mess.
She laughed, "Don't worry about the mess. It's not my car. I killed someone for it."
I jumped back in fear, "You are lying right?"
She shook her head, "Sadly, no I am not lying and that is more the reason you shouldn't trust me."
Her honesty was noted, and acceptable.
I didn't know how she could just kill someone like that. I don't think I can kill anyone. Or at least I don't know if I can.
"So can you begin driving or are we going to stare at the mud." I asked.
She laughed and turned the key and started the engine. The warm air inside the car increased the horrid smell of the crap inside the car.
I looked into the back seat when she began driving. I saw a bullet hole and some blood. It had an iron smell that resonated with the other smells.
"You okay?" She asked.
I nodded, "So who was it?"
"The one I killed? It was a man who owed me money." She answered.
It seems we are in the same boat then. I owed money but never got around to paying it. Which explains why I live so far from civilization.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked.
She laughed, "You owe money...lets just say I'm the nightmare."
So she is who I thought it was. She was the 'one' who ends up doing the heavy work. But instead of panicking, I should play this calm and see how it goes.
"You're going to have to trust me about this. I might be the person doing the dirty work around the city, but I'm here to save you specifically." She said.
I shifted my body to fix my insecurities. My arm swung over to the main console.
"What's your name anyway? I've never asked it." I said attempting to keep conversation. It wasn't working so well as I had hoped.
"My name is not important for the rest of the ride okay?" She said keeping her identity concealed.
Honestly I thought that she would be more to work with. For an uptight woman like her it wouldn't be much time before she just kills me.
The swampy forest of my home passed by and now we were into the city. It had sprawled with dozens of hookers and gangs, but it had its own share of nice and more modern areas. Y'know the ones with the hover-boards and automatic recognition of owners on premises type deals. It was perfect to rob someone and get caught.
"So how do you want to die?" The woman asked.
The question just popped out of the blue and it was perfectly mature for the current moment.
"I want to die painfully...why you ask? Well let me tell you. I want to die painfully so I can take that pain and keep it with me. I would never feel it again and I'm gonna die once, so I'm going to make the most out of it. Maybe shot by cops in a gunfight or falling out of the Empire State Building." I replied.
She laughed.
Her laugh made me realize that I was not important to anyone at all.
"This is a way of life okay?" She said. " I don't do this for fun you know?"
I looked at her, "What are you talking about?"
"You know...killing. It's a way of life and it's not for fun." She replied.
Honestly I don't even care, eventually I'm going to die by her anyway.
I got frustrated, "So when are you going to do it then?"
She laughed, "I don't want to kill you...see you complete me. You're existence makes me alive. That is why I'm trying to save you."
The rain began to pick up. The roads got even more slippery and less people on the streets. It was perfect for something to go down.
The car handled like a dream over the hard asphalt and rock that were atop the earths crust. The windows patterned with the dots of rain sloshing back and forth from the windshield wipers.
We came to a place I had never noticed before. It was a building of glass. Almost as tall as the World Trade Center, so 25 miles tall and somehow I was able to miss it.
"When the fuck was this placed here?" I asked in pure confusion.
She put her finger on my lips, "Watch your mouth, thank you. This was here for about 2 years and you just now noticed?"
Wow, shows you how much I pay attention.
The car came to a stop. The dirt road stopped and began a sidewalk of concrete. This is where I will die.
"So this is where I will die right?" I asked.
She giggled, "Not exactly. I'm going to have my fun before you die, because as you know I will die when you do."
I complete her apparently.
She spun around at me, "Let's begin your nightmares!"

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