Another Plan

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I awoke in the offices of God's Window. I was lightheaded and frightened. I quite literally had a nightmare by exploring other people's nightmares. I wonder who Forty-Eight was, she seemed different then most of the people in the nightmares.
Someone came inside the room, "Mark White would like to speak with you. Line two please." Just like that, she left without any further explanation.
I turned to the desk, the phone was on. Mark was awaiting my voice on the phone as though it were almost a mandatory action.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Thomas! You're work has been extraordinarily fantastic. You and Chelsea really make a great team. I'm glad it's working fine, your first paycheck should be coming down the chute in a couple of minuets. I expect more good work from you." He hung up.
I heard paper fly down the chute, the check darted towards the desk and crashed into my leg. I picked up the paper and felt a sense of happiness.
"Why the fuck am I happy?" I asked myself.
I walked out the door and into the main building's hall area. A giant triangle where escalators and glass bridges connected like veins in a body was hanging above me.
Walking out of the main doors I was stopped by Chelsea.
"Great work Thomas. It seems you fit right in. You want to grab a coffee sometime?" She asked me.
"Listen, I appreciate the offer I really do. I would love to, but right now I have to think about my life's choices and head home. In the mean time, be safe." I replied.
"I'll call you later then."
Without noticing what she said, "Yeah okay."

At home I took off my clothes and exchanged them with newer and cleaner clothes. My bath was calling my name and it was beautiful. My body was sore and bruised, I guess a dream can effect reality. I turned on the faucet and let the warm water flood into the tub. It was pure bliss.
The doorbell rung.
I walked towards the door before it abruptly opened.
"Can I stay here?" Chelsea asked.
I backed up, "How did you open my door?"
"I know a lock picking skill that comes in handy with bobby pins."
I got frustrated quickly, she was annoying at work and annoying right now. Did I just call it work? It's not my official job, speaking of which I might have been fired from anyway.
"I thought you lived somewhere." I questioned.
"We had an offer, I gave you a great paying job and I live here with you remember?" She asked.
I scratched my head, "Honestly I do not. A deal is a deal and I am a man of somewhat honor. There's another room at the end of the hall."
"I'm kinda wondering, why isn't your house on water anymore?"
"My house isn't on the water? Oh shit that's right. The government said it was a danger to my health apparently. I didn't know it would happen this soon though. I didn't even realize."
I turned back to the bath and stripped myself of the new clothes I just put on. I lowered myself into the burning water and felt all my muscles scream for help. My mind was blank, the water was an orgasm on my wounds.
I wonder what happened through the time I was working. I don't know how long I've been working either. Last I remember it was August 20th and I was at home trying to sleep, then she came along. That odd how connections happen through simple things. In this case, she just wanted a meal to share. I was then taken to a giant window in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden she's living with me.
"Hey Thomas!" She called through the door.
I shook my head out of its blank state, "Yeah."
"I'll get started on cooking. We're going to eat great tonight. My treat!"
What did I do to get this? I want to be alone and have no relation to the outside world. It was hard enough to do that before due to work and all, but now I've made a deal with the devil.
At the dinner table there was almost an endless supply of food. Her cooking was top notch and I have to give it to her for that.
"I have a question." I said.
She nodded.
"Why did you find me?" The tone in my voice almost threatening. "There has to be a reason right?"
She placed her spoon down on her plate. Her eyes seemed to kill off the sweet sense in her body language. "I was forced to find you. It wasn't supposed to be this way, Mark took my life away from me. Though I it was a forced partnership, I found myself wanting to be around you."
So straightforward!
"Is that why my pay is so large? You've put me through extra dreams to hang around me more. I thought that we share the same soul or something like that." I questioned.
Chelsea nodded.

My footsteps slapped against the mud, splashing excess mud into the air. I vaulted over a crashed tree and headed forwards toward the river. The clean almost see-through water was cool. The fish were swimming with no worry in the world.
"Alright..." I said to myself.
I stripped off my shirt and slipped my boots off.
"What are you doing?" Chelsea asked.
"Getting the pickup." I replied.
I dove into the water and let my eyes adjust to the current. Swimming towards the bottom, the top of a chest was exposed to my eyes. The moss waved back and forth with the current. I took off the unlocked lock and opened the chest. Inside were two items in a bag. One being a phone, and another being a pistol. More specifically a G18 which is a pistol renowned for its use of multiple firing modes. Semi-auto, Full-auto, and Burst-fire are the modes.
My vision started to fade. I let out a bit of breath and continued to the surface. Chelsea was waiting at the top just staring into the water. I appeared and quickly picked myself out of the water.
"A phone and a gun? Why would you need those buried in water?" Chelsea asked.
"These items were used with my murder. I decided to bury the evidence where no cop would ever find it. Luckily they didn't." I explained. "I gunned down a man and his son as they were riding bikes through the trails around here. They were known for selling drugs, though what I did was a vigilante act in my opinion. The police didn't really like it."
Chelsea nodded her head understanding. Her face was shaking from the temperature, it was pretty cold outside but the water was warm.
"Why do you need it now?" Chelsea wondered aloud.
I cocked back the hammer, "We are going to kill Mark White for taking your life away."
My words rang through her head like a catchy song. They haunted her in happiness instead of a bad way. She went giddy for a moment. Chelsea seemed like a hardcore murderer, but it seems like she never enjoyed life.
I put on my boots. They squished from my dripping socks. For some odd reason I forgot to take them off.
We began heading home.
"Why do you want to kill Mark for me?" Chelsea asked. "Sorry for asking so many questions."
"No one should be forced out of their life for the enjoyment of others. I should kill you instead, but we're friends." I explained. "If it would have been that first time I hit you with the lamp, all of his would be over."
Chelsea chuckled.

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