God's Window

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About an hour inside this giant window I was stabbed and threatened. Worse is that my past was revealed. This place itself is a nightmare and only because there isn't a company name. Literally it's just a window with no name or address in the middle of nowhere.
Her hand waved toward the doorway, "This is where we will go. Stay here while I head to change."
My thoughts paraded with many of different theories. The worst being the doorway to hell, but that was too childish to even think of. The second was a torture room where I would be tortured for information I didn't know.
I limped through a second door after the secret door and found a shockingly chrome room. It was as clean as the sky.
"Why am I here?" I asked in confusion. "It's just a room of chrome."
She laughed. It seemed my idiocy was beginning to show.
"This is a room where we can save each other." She explained. "Look closely."
I concentrated and looked into the walls. Slowly they began to stretch and elongate into an endless hall. Soon the pain from my leg was gone and I felt nothing at all. It was addicting and impressive. The room turned dark before I could process it.
Suffocated with questions I could only ask one thing, "Where am I?"
I was alone in a black room that swirled around like a mind puzzle. He details began to form and I could see texture. Then color of the objects inside of the room.
I blinked once to find Chelsea inside the room, sitting.
She looked bored, "You done? Can we move on?"
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
She stood up and walked to the window. Outside was a sleek and round world created by man himself. It was a work of pure industry and sweat. A world created solely by the workers and taken by the poor.
"Where is this place? Is this the real world?" I asked aloud.
I knew that this was a place of fictitious desire. I loved this type of world and it was familiar. Like a dream that I loved once before now blurred by the very world I was found in.
Tearing up a bit, "I can't remember."
She looked at me with a worried stare, "Remember what?"
I was engulfed by the beauty that was in front of me. That dream was the only thing that I could think of to calm me down. It was beautiful and made me feel like the world was under me. This world was my dream.
"This was the place that I dreamed about, years ago when I was a kid. It was after my mother died I had this dream." I explained. " It was the thing that I treasured the most. It was like an epiphany to show me the way."
"I'm not sure that's how 'epiphany' is used." Chelsea said.
I turned from the window and moved towards the exit. I had to feel it for myself. There was no way I could just leave it alone. This is what I created and I should enjoy it.
"Where are you going? Hey!" Chelsea yelled.

I reached the home I held in my heart. The place I could find that angel who was meant to look over me.
"Hey look pa! A strange man!" A little boy said acknowledging my existence.
They passed by and continued like it were nothing, but I was fine with that. I'm not meant to be here and I'm going to enjoy it.

Chelsea roamed the black market in search for a hooded man in dirtied boots. His dirt marks were faint but noticeable.
"He's made quite a mess in this place." She thought.
Peering over a crowd of people she saw him. Thomas McReary, standing upon a crate reaching to help a little girl.
"God's window caused this Huh?" Chelsea said to herself.

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