Episode 1: I Will Make You Invite Me To A Movie + 2 (More).

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[A/N: Let's see how long it's gonna take me to give this up. Btw, I'll be posting the seating arrangements at the beginning of every chapter to not confuse myself when writing, and going back up to my list of characters is annoying.

Character bashing is to a minimum and it's only for weird moments or the neglectful parents. I'll try to make them grow but that's if I can even write this for that long. Just like in my "Honorific Title" this host unlike most reaction fic hosts is made to be peaceful, caring, and understanding. It will typically be used to reassure and counsel characters, mostly Miyuki cause we all know how fucked up he is and his trauma(Bro going to be so ashamed), and serve as a bridge to mediate the inherent status quo present in the anime/manga.]

Row 1: Osaragi, Iino, Hayasaka, Kaguya, Miyuki, Ishigami, Fujiwara, Maki.

Row 2: Rei, Kashiwagi, Tsubasa, Kei, Tsubame, Ryuju, Karen, Erika, Mikado, Moeha.

Row3: Nana, Papa Shirogane, Nao, Nayotake, Gan'an, Un'yo, Adolphe.

Total: 35 Characters.

P.S: This was 22196 words long! Enjoy. Listen to the OP When it comes up!


Kaguya-Sama Love is War: Kaguya Wants To Be Confessed To - The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains.


"Kaguya wants to be confessed to," Those of all rows were stunned and Kaguya blushed heavily.

"Did I win?" Shirogane couldn't help but whisper but many people heard him. They weren't stupid and quickly connected the dots, the conclusion most came to was...

"Ah, this is gonna be hella embarrassing for you, Auntie! I can't wait!" Maki was practically bouncing in her seat as she watched Kaguya squirm. Mikado seemed lost in thought as Fujiwara's hair raised in shock.

"My daughter wants to be confessed too? By that handsome boy, Ara, how nice. Do your best!" Nayotake cheered for her daughter in a soft voice to not embarrass her. Nao just smiled as she leaned back in her seat.

'The young miss wants to be confessed too, it seems only a comedy awaits us while watching these two. I'll let them off for now, there is plenty of time to tease them.'

Her daughter didn't share her sentiments for mercy. Ai went for the kill immediately.

"Ararara~, Kaguya-Sama. It seems like the cat is out of the bag with this one, no hiding it now is there," Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but tease her as she whispered into her ear.

"Hayasaka!" Kaguya couldn't help but shout out in embarrassment, the words the president uttered earlier didn't help her at all.

Everyone was either reeling in shock, enjoying the chaos, or in the case of the KaguKaicho Fanclub, celebrating their victory over the KaichoFuji Fanclub back on earth.

The episode continued to play.

CONFESSION (Blue Heart) – CONFESSION (Red Heart)

N: You fall in love with someone...

"P-Please be my girlfriend!" The boy stuttered and bowed his hand, his hand stretched out to the girl in front of him.

N: Confess that love...

Shocked, the girl blushed and took his hand.

N: And become a couple.

The sky cleared up with animals, people, and a church appearing out of nowhere. A crowd seemed to be approaching from the distance with many people of all ages in attendance.

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