Episode 3: Miyuki Shirogane Still Hasn't Done It, (+ 2 More and Chika Dance.)

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A/N: The Chika dance I have no idea how it held me up for like a week when I now sat down to it under 1 hour. Guess it was so easy I procrastinated, damn. Looking forward to Episode 4 since it has Kaguya being Yandere in it. Look forward to this one it's about 15k words. I really have nothing else to say, this is an obligatory Author Note so...


After being given the Blessing of Myriad Comfort by Uncleir the group of both adults and teens, male and female began to watch the romantic adventures of the most influential students at the Shuchi'in Academy.

[U: Now let's begin episode 3.]

The boy and girl from the beginning of the past openings appeared.

N: You fall in love with someone...

FATE (Red) – DESTINY (Blue)

N: Confess that love...

The two of them held hands.

N: And become a couple...

"Aaah~ If only it were that simple for some people, wouldn't you say Kaguya-sama," Hayasaka started simply for this episode.

"It would be," Kaguya gave a stale reply before watching once more. Hayasaka smiled and did so as well.

-Extra Manga Content [EMC]-

"Look! It's President Shirogane and Vice-President Kaguya!" Karen said with surprise as the two walked in front of them.

Erika said with wonder, "They always look so incredible."

"Sigh... If only the president were mine," Karen said dreamily as she read a perverted book while sitting on the bench with Erika.

"I'd even be okay with Kaguya," Erika blushed.

"Sorry but I don't think I would accept such a thing," Miyuki said awkwardly with closed eyes.

"Me as well," Kaguya said calmly on the outside but on the inside she was fuming. One, because she was held as inferior to the president which massively hurt her pride, and two, because other women had dared to say they desired the president while she walked with him.

Wasn't she enough? Her pride wounded over the fact that even she wasn't enough to guard the president from those other "thirsty" women sent her into a mentally dark area.

"Kaguya-sama, I have no idea what you're thinking of right now but I know it isn't what you should be thinking about so stop it please." Hayasaka rubbed her head in stress.

"Eh? I wasn't thinking—" Kaguya blushed before she saw the girl's knowing look and fell silent.

Inwardly she thought, 'What gave me away? D-Did I have that same scary expression on my face again?!'

She was right. Moving on.

"That was only a passing thought! Really!" Erika shouted out for her innocence. It really was only a musing on both of their parts.

"Yep! We ship them both remember?" Karen suggested, to back her up. Before many others could present an argument, Chika decided to speak up.

"Hey isn't that the same book we looked through that day?!" She pointed at the book the two of them held in their hands.

This caught both Miyuki and Kaguya's attention and diverted the others from Karen and Erika. The Chaos was working its magic as always.

While this was going on with the ladies, the boys were wondering about something completely different.

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