Episode 2: Kaguya Wants to Trade + (2 More)

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A/N: Ooookay! That took me longer than I thought it would. Maybe the script's first method is unfriendly toward character interaction. 

Well it doesn't matter since while I wasn't extremely satisfied with the character interactions (Ignore me and my perfectionist mindset, I ignore that like the plague too. Editing is a thing like hello.) I hope you guys enjoy Episode Two as Episode 3 is in production for posting in 2 weeks. 

I'm gonna test by watching the episode first deciding the theme etc. for the reaction (Assign the key players of the reaction for that episode), writing out the script, and then watching it while using the transcript to write reactions as I go along. 

Sound good, enjoy the episode.


[U: Is everyone ready to react to episode 2?]

They all tapped the button on the armrest of their chairs.

"Yes," Osaragi pushed up her glasses as Iino patted her uniform.

"Uncleir I have a question," Kaguya suddenly spoke up before the other got to watch the next episode and Unclear gestured for her to continue. She obliged, "I seem to have noticed something about Episode 1 and our anime in general, it... It isn't in chronological order is it?"

"True it did seem that way, with how they didn't show how we played old maid and even when we went to the movies, nice job noticing Shinomiya," Miyuki confirmed and complimented Kaguya and a smug smile appeared on her lips.

[U: It isn't but don't worry. It will be in order soon enough, around the time of the France and Japan party and the moments leading up to it.]

"That sounds great honestly," Maki said and then the screen booted up before they heard a familiar sound.

CONFESSION (Blue Heart) – CONFESSION (Red Heart)

"Seriously? It's this again! Is it going to be one of those intros that repeats every episode to bloat up the episode time?" Onodera and Ishigami said with a grimace.

[U: Oh by the way, the opening scene is a replay that only shows up in Episode 2 and then is skipped in Episode 3 so don't worry about it being a recurring thing.]

"So that's how it is," Ishigami sighed in relief.

"That's great," Onodera patted her chest.

N: You fall in love with someone...

"P-Please be my girlfriend!" The boy stuttered and bowed his hand, his hand stretched out to the girl in front of him.

N: Confess that love...

Shocked, the girl blushed and took his hand.

N: And become a couple.

The sky cleared up with animals, people, and a church appearing out of nowhere. A crowd seemed to be approaching from the distance with many people of all ages in attendance.

N: Everyone would say that's a wonderful thing.

Everyone just watched calmly waiting for this repeating sequence of events to pass by them in silence.

N: But they're wrong!

N: Even among sweethearts, there exists a distinct power relationship!

The boy is now revealed to have a terrified expression and the girl one where her face is shadowed with a creepy smile, the screen flashes, and her feet appear, smashing down toward the head of her boyfriend.

Reacting to Kaguya-Sama Love is War: Watching The ShowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora