Chapter 9

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10:00 AM my alarm woke me up. Although I had thought I wouldn't be needing alarms this summer, I was wrong. The same feeling came back. The feeling of wanting to throw my phone against the wall. Why did I think it was a good idea to wake up early to go on a run with my new neighbor and new friend? I was completely exhausted and I knew that I'd have to take like a nap for a whole day. But then again it hit me. I had to do it for Zach. I decided to text him before I got out of bed.

Me: I'm up, don't ditch me. I'll be out by 10:15.

I then forced myself out of bed and brushed my teeth. Once I was done, I washed my face, put some lotion on my face and filled in my eyebrows a little so I didn't look as dead as I felt. Finished my look up with mascara and tied hair since my bun would get messed up the first minute of my run.

I picked out some black sweats and a grey t-shirt along with a pink hoodie with a zip that I left widely open.

As I headed downstairs to get my black Nike free runs that I never really wore because I never went on runs, I saw my dad who was the only one awake since my mom and sister were still sleeping.

"Oh my god look who's up so early on her first week of summer!" he said.

"Good Morning dad." I said trying not to sound so grumpy.

"Where are you going?"

Oh shit. I totally forgot that my dad would hate the idea of me going on a run with a boy.

"Oh umm I'm going on a run..." I said nervously.

"Wow look at this change I'm seeing in you. Who are you going with? Your sister? I don't see her anywhere." he said looking upstairs.

"Yeah...and Harper's sleeping so I'm not going with her." I replied.

"Then who are you going with?"

"Oh um you know the new neighbors who's house me and mom went to dinner for yesterday?" I said.

"Yeah...." he said with a curious look on his face.

"Well their son, Zach asked me if I wanted to go on a run..."

"Ohhh Zach, haha he's a good kid. Go on and tell him to tell his parents to come over for lunch on Saturday, also behave yourself don't do anything bad."

"Okay Dad, thanks! I'm going to head out now he's probably waiting outside..." I said wondering how in the world my dad was okay with this.

"Okay Bye" he said.

WHAT JUST HAPPENED? My dad is not the type to let me out with any boy. Like except if the boy is my cousin or something. I mean he barely lets me hang out with my friends and now he was letting me go with a boy. Is this what Ariana meant by changes that would randomly just take place?

And then I remembered that I forgot to tell Ariana what I was up to. I'd tell her everything once I got back home.

As I walked out my house, I was surprised by Zach.

"Hi Jasmine!"

"Oh god Zach this is the second time you've scared me!"

" lead the way since I'm new here."

"You want me to lead the way? HAHAHA you know I'm slow as a snail right?" I replied. It was true. I barely ran in P.E and now here I was going on a morning jog with my new friend/neighbor.

"If I lead the way, we'll probably get lost and we wouldn't know where we're going and it will mess up the whole run and---"

"Geez, shut up Zach. Okay I get the point let's go then." I replied. He would've just gone on and on about this if I hadn't agreed on leading. He was stubborn.

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