Chapter 33

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A month had passed since the party. It was now the middle of May. 

I don't know how I feel about this month honestly. I liked the fact that school is almost over but then again May is such a slow month. 

This year had been much better than the last though. I actually had good grades. I was doing good in Chemistry

Anyways apart from that, my friends group had suddenly expanded too. Here I was last year only close with Ariana and now, well it's a long story. Melissa and I had known each other since sophomore year. She was in my math class and spanish class but we never really talked. She was hilarious. I don't even think she tried to be funny, she just naturally was. Along with that, she was naturally a sweetheart. She would always compliment me when I'd do my hair or something. Basically, she made Psychology one of my favorite classes along with making Chemistry bearable. Me and Melissa had now gotten so much closer. Melissa has a best friend named Hadeya Klein and let me just tell you, they're exactly like me and Ariana.

Hadeya is probably the most down to earth girl I've ever met. I've known her since freshmen year. She was one of my first friends at this school. 

Hadeya has really long black hair. I used to call her Rapunzel because honestly, her hair is super long. Her fair skin and thick eyebrows are just perfect. She doesn't even need makeup. Apart from that, she was super tall and skinny. She could honestly become a model if she wanted to. But of course Hadeya was super smart so she aspired to be something other than a model, not that there is any problem with being a model. 

Hadeya and Melissa's friendship was a replica of mine and Ariana's, except they had been friends longer. Melissa was the crazy one who wanted to try new things while Hadeya was the innocent one yet she was fun to be around. I'd always liked having classes with her.

Sadly we only had history together this year. But she still made that class fun and easy. 

So we all had become really good friends and unlike last summer, I actually had plans with them this time. 

As for me and Ariana, well we were closer than ever. And of course, how could I forget Zach?

Zach and I were like best friends/neighbors. I mean we were only 20 steps away from each other, which explained why he would always come over to annoy me. I would kick him out though because he wouldn't let me do my homework. 

On the weekends, he would come over and watch Harry Potter with me while eating all of my food. As much as I hated sharing, I didn't mind with him because he'd always share with me. 

So anyways, it was 7 PM, and as usual I was doing nothing. I had 2 tests this week so I barely was assigned any homework.

Mom was still at work and my sister was at her friends house. 

Hadeya had recommended me a face mask for acne. I had started breaking out because of the bipolar weather. One week it would be cold, the next it would be hot. Although it smelled funny and made me look like a yellow ghost, I liked it. 

I was sitting on my sofa debating if I should do my History notes or not until my bell rang. 

I'd be surprised if it wasn't Zach. 

Forcing myself to get up, I walked towards the door wearing my black loose Taylor Lautner t-shirt along with blue pajamas. No, I didn't like him really but my sister gave me this shirt.

My hair was tied up loosely.

I opened the door, only to be greeted by Zach's scream. 

"Hello to you too Zach. Where are your manners?" I asked.

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