Chapter 39

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This was one of those nights where I barely managed to catch any sleep. It's like that night before the first day of school where you're super excited to see who's in your classes and scared at them. Except in my case, it was the night before my 'first date'. 

I probably fell asleep at like 4 am. And when I woke up at 12 pm, I was still feeling tired. But I couldn't be tired. Not today. I had a whole day ahead of me. 

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand as usual while unplugging the charger. My phone's battery was now a 100%. 

I placed my phone next to my pillow and stretched my arms and legs in bed while yawning. I looked around my room and saw a peek of the sky from my window. The black curtain was pushed a little back. 

The sky. How could I ever completely describe the sky? Stormy gray clouds crowding the sky. My favorite weather. Something about the cold fall and winter weather caught my attention. I could never enjoy summer weather as much as I enjoyed this weather. 

Once I was done observing, I grabbed my phone and pressed the home button. 

New Messages from Group chat.

I immediately clicked on the messages to see what was going on in that group chat. 

Mel: Guys let's hang out!

Ian: Yeah I'm down

Aiden: Same

Hadeya: Same

Mel: haha ^^

Ariana: Sure

Ian: Where's Jasmine and Zach?

Zach: Here. Wait Jasmine can't.

Hadeya: wait why? is she okay?

Ariana: Oh man I totally forgot about that

Mel: Wait what's going on??

Aiden: Yeah I don't get it

Ian: same

Ariana: Well Jasmine has a date today!


Hadeya: Oh my god really??

Aiden: Oh damn

Ian: Get someeeee

Zach: Lmao shut up Ian.

Ariana: With that Eric guy she's been obsessing over.

Hadeya: Aw that's so cute

Mel: awwwwww

I laughed at all these messages. They were beyond hilarious. 

Me: Hey guys, I'm still here in this group chat

I replied with a wide smile spread across my face. After the message was delivered, I decided to get up and go shower. But as I placed my phone down on my bed, it started vibrating. 

I looked at the home screen to see who was calling me.


Was it bizarre to say that my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw his name flash up on my phone screen?

"Oh god Jasmine calm down it's not a big deal," I said to myself. Great, now I was talking to myself too. How crazy can I get?

I immediately answered his call before it ended and tried to greet him with a casual tone.

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