Just friend things.

19 1 8

Later that night, no one being home of course.

Harry sighed as he read a book with his head propped up on a pillow. Until he heard a knock on his window that startled him back into reality.

He looked over to his window and saw Louis there in the late day sky of pink and dark red.

Harry opened the window and Louis climbed in. "Louis there's a thing called a front door. Not sure if you've heard of it or not" Harry said crossing his arms over eachother.

"Don't get smart with me styles" Louis said giving him a dangerous look.

Harry smiled and rolled his eyes, and sat down on his bed again.

Louis looked around his room, like he hasn't been in it 10 or more times.

Louis raised a eyebrow "new poster?"

He just nodded his head "yeah my mom got it for me, she's the best" 

Louis layed down all the way on his bed and sighed.

"Comfortable?" Harry snickered and Louis covered his face.

"So why am I here Styles?" Louis ask and Harry looked at him.

"I-" Harry stopped and thought about it.

Did Louis forget that they kissed earlier?

"To study of course" Harry said holding up the book hes been reading for the past hour while patiently waiting for Louis to get here.

"I don't study, I usually just get someone to do it for me and I repay them in some way" Louis smirked at Harry.

Harry widened his eyes.

Is Louis seriously using him..?

"Ah.." Harry said standing up.

"If you don't mind me, I'm really tired, so maybe you should get going" Harry halfy smiled.

"Ok...?" Louis mumbled.

Harry watched Louis climb out the window and walk away and disappear somewhere in the dark.

Harry shut off the bedroom Lights and closed his curtain.

He stared at the ceiling with the fabric of the blanket sticking to his skin, feeling suffocating.

Harry threw it off and turned over curling into a ball and started to feel hot tears run down his cheeks.

"Stop it Harry. It meant nothing. You're not even gay. This is pathetic" he mumbled pulling his knees up to his chest and resting his chin on his knees.

He stared through the darkness of his room and sobbed more, not being able to stop the tears this time.


Just as fast as the night went the morning came.

Which meant another day of school and having to put up with people.

Harry sat up and stared at his wall before swinging his feet on the cold floor.

He stretched and walked to his moms room to see if she was here.

Not any surprise she wasn't.

Nor was Harry's stepfather.

No surprise he wasn't here, he hasn't been here for 4 months.

Which he was probably with another woman who would pay for his way through life.

When they stop paying for him that's when he moved on.

Harry got dressed slowly, not very eager to get to school.

Through he could skip and no one would know or even care.

Harry decided for a second smiled to himself.

Home is good for today.

He got undressed and into his pjs once again.

He felt content as he layed down on his couch and watched tv.

Harry felt himself slowly going back to sleep.


He ended up sleeping until the afternoon. Until he was awoken by a knock at his front door.

Harry was startled awake and took a second to wake up and walk to the door.

Harry opened the door and revealed Louis standing there awkwardly looking around with his hands stuck in the pocket of his jeans.

His face softened when he saw Harry's state.

"Are you ok..? You didn't come to school today and I got worried I upset you last night?" Louis slowly ask and Harry couldn't register anything as he was too tired to be dealing with anyone right now.

"Uh yeah I'm fine, I just didn't feel like.. going to school today" Harry said forcing a smile onto his tired face.

Louis nodded his head.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me tonight? It's Friday you need to loosen up a bit" Louis smirked and crossed his arms looking slightly up at Harry.

"I don't know." Harry said looking over his shoulder.

"Come on, we will get so many chicks" Louis said.

"I don't want chicks." I want you. Is what Harry would've said if he had the confidence.

"Please Harry.. I won't ask for anything else after this just please come to the party tonight" Louis said basically begging Harry.

Harry looked at Louis' blue eyes and melted.

God this isn't fucking fair.

"Fine. I'll go." Harry sighed and Louis smiled happily.

"I'll be back to pick you up, be ready Styles" Louis smirked and walked away.

Harry just stood there in the doorway as he watched Louis disappear down the road.

Harry sighed and closed his front door.

"This is so not fair.." he said resting his forehead on the door

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